Part 11

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My eyes were glued to her ass as she talked to the owner of the restaurant. Her perfectly round ass. She showed her dazzling white teeth as the two of them laughed at something. For the moment I wasn't the biggest thing in the room full of people. I held my glass of scotch and took it all in."So, these are your paintings?" I lifted my gaze to the ceiling. "This is huge. How long did this take you?" She studied the canvas with me. "Months."
"It's impressive." I crossed my arms, taking her in instead of the painting. "You're really fucking beautiful."
"And you're really fucking famous." Her eyes met mine, and she smiled and shook her head. "I can't believe I didn't realize who you were. I've seen pictures of you." I swallowed down some more scotch. "Oh shit." I nodded. "So, as you see, I wasn't trying to blow you off. I was trying to avoid the chaos. And half the time people want to discuss this suspension and I really don't want to talk about it." "Then tell them to fuck off," she said. She took my glass of scotch and brought it to her lips. And she finished it. She handed the empty glass to the guy passing with the tray. And took a new one offering it to me.
"You can't be rude to the fans. It's not good for your image." "I guess that makes sense. But you're also a human being. You deserve to have boundaries." I walked over to the other painting.
"How long have you been an
artist?" She looked up at the ceiling. "I was ten when I sold my first painting."
"That's incredible." I was impressed with her. Her entire package. She carried herself differently than any other girl I'd met. She was proud, it was just in the air and all around when you looked at her.
"When did you know you wanted to be a YouTuber?" She accepted the food another waiter was handing out. I took two. "Dude, big fan," he said under his breath. "Thanks, man," I gave him a quick fist bump. Sage smirked. "I don't know how you do it." "Do what?" "Always on." "It's not so bad. You get used to it." We took a seat at the bar.
"We look fantastic sitting next to each other," I told her, looking at our reflection in the mirror behind the bar.
"Yeah. We do don't we."
"Don't think I've forgotten about those babies you promised to make with me. You know, to make the world a better place." I smirked and took a sip of my drink. " Whenever you are ready," she winked, throwing her hair over her shoulders. She smelled like flowers and cinnamon. And I wanted to lean closer to breathe her in. I wanted to wrap an arm around her and feel the way her body felt against mine.

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