Part 9

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I was standing in the middle of my living room fighting with myself. My need to pick up the phone and text Colby and tell him how I felt. And my need to continue ignoring him. Texting him meant he got to me and that there were feelings there. Texting meant I was weak and not the girl who said a couple hours ago that I didn't need a man to make me happy or complete.

And then I remembered something.

This warranted a text.

Sage: You were with that guy I saw at the club. The one who asked me what my name was.

Colby: Brennen. Yeah, he's a good friend of mine.

Sage: Small world.

Colby: You're mad at me, aren't you?

I ran my hand through my hair. Of course, I was mad. But admitting it only shows him he's getting to me. Lying to him just makes this entire mess even messier.

Sage: Disappointed, Colby. Things were fun. I enjoyed our little chats. Now it's weird.

Colby: I enjoy them too. I miss you.

Sage: Ugh. When you say things like that it's hard to not like you.

Colby: Well then, I'll keep saying them. I love your eyes.

Sage: Stop it.

Colby: And those leggings. Your ass.

I groaned. The butterflies were still there.

Sage: I'm going to the opening of the restaurant I painted for in two days. I can bring a guest. It's at nine.

Colby: Are you inviting me?

Sage: You said you wanted to see my work. And you said you aren't playing any games.

Colby: Send me the details.

Put your money where your mouth is Colby.

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