Part 1

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I turned my phone back on, and a couple of texts filtered through from Marshall. And one from number neighbor—Colby. I ignored Marshall's and went straight to the mysterious guy on the other end of a phone number that was only one digit different from mine.

Colby: Safe travels, Sage. Cool name I'll take off a few points and drop your douche level accordingly.

I rolled my eyes.

Sage: You sure worry a lot about a product you don't even have to use.

Colby: It's tacky right?

Sage: It can be. Maybe lead with something else next time. How old are you number neighbor?

Colby: Twenty-four. What about you?

Sage: Twenty-one. I'm impressed at this whole experience so far, I must say. They really knew what they were doing when they assigned these numbers.

Colby: Yeah, no shit. What were you on a plane for?

Sage: Work.

Colby: Are you a flight attendant?

I giggled at the thought. Me a flight attendant, that was ludicrous.

Sage: Nope. I'm an artist.

Colby: Right on. What kind of art?

Sage: Mostly scenic. I sell my blood sweat and tears to hotels and restaurant chains mostly. I keep the good stuff for Instagram.

Colby: Oh really?

I smirked. Sage: Yeah, I paint with my tits on the weekends.

Colby: Holy shit. I hope this is a joke but at the same time I hope it's true.

This guy wasn't so bad to talk to. I had traveled almost all the way across the country and never once had a breakdown because of Colby.

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