Part 13

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I sat my phone down and tried to make sense of what could be going on with him. This was strange. I hoped he wasn't being extra weird and proving that I was wrong when I said he seemed like a good guy. I imagined him bring his fancy attorney and making me sign papers to stay silent about our time spent. I imagined a lot of worst-case scenarios. That's what I did when I had no idea what the hell was going on. I worried. Damn him for making me worry.

I unlocked the door when I saw his car pull up. And I waited for him to get out. He pulled his sunglasses off and put them in the pocket of his gray shirt. His shirt traced the path of his abs, the abs I imagined licking with my tongue. Why was he here?

"What's going on? Is everything okay?" I asked.

"No." He moved forward, his body flush with mine. His body, smooth and warm. And reminding me of how hot he was. And he was right there in my face. His thumb skimmed my body lip. He wasn't offering any kind of answer, just torturing me with those blue eyes.

And when I looked into his eyes my breath caught in my throat. "What are you doing here, Cole?"

Warm fingers brushed across my face.

"I need to kiss you again," he said, his breath caressing my ear. He leaned in. His lips danced across my cheek, down my jaw to my neck.

I worked my lips across his jaw. Before I could ask him what the hell we were doing, his mouth was on mine.

I touched his chest and looked up at him. I was speechless.

He took my hand in his and studied our entwined fingers. "Now I feel better."

I ran a hand through my hair. I was a mess, I hadn't expected this to happen at all. Otherwise I would have dressed for the occasion. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Colby"

I was still up against the wall and still pressed against him. I covered my mouth and stared at him. My heart bashing against my chest begging for me to free it before it crashed through on its own.

"I know. I'm an idiot, I shouldn't be acting like this. But I had to see you."

"We both are idiots."

He ran a hand through his hair, pinning his messy locks back for a moment.

"We can be idiots it's okay right?" His lips were on mine again, his kiss deepening, erasing the chance of any answer I would give. Not that I had one.

He clamped his hands around my hips tugging me closer. If that was even possible. Our bodies were fused together. Our tongues were on a mission to memorize every inch of one another. He kissed me long and hard, taking everything he wanted. He was a great kisser.

I thought I heard the door, but I wasn't sure. Sounds were the least of my worries with Colby's hands all over me. Makes sense why I didn't put two and two together that someone came inside the studio. Until Dad cleared his throat.

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