Part 15

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I tossed my keys on the coffee table when I got in the door. The image of Sage pressed up against that wall would not go away.

"Shit," I said, pacing the room. This girl was going to be the death of me.

Colby: I'm sorry your dad walked in on that. But holy shit, you don't know what your mouth does to me.

Sage: Eww don't show me.

I laughed.

Colby: I don't send dick pics. That's the last thing I want getting out.

Sage: Aww man. I was just about to change my mind.

Colby: Well shit, if you want to see it, I can come back. HAHA.

Sage: That would not be good.

Colby: No. I agree.

Sage: I have a rule.

Colby: What's that?

Sage: I don't have sex until we are past the honeymoon stage. Well, sort of a new rule.

Colby: I have a rule too.

Sage: What is it?

Colby: I don't know yet, but I'll think of something.

Sage: Colby don't take this the wrong way. I feel like I can be honest with you.

Colby: I'm all for honesty.

Sage: You and I would fail horribly in any type of relationship.

Colby: Ouch.

I touched my chest where she lodged the dagger. That just made me want her more. I loved a good chase. But a part of me was offended.

Colby: Can I ask you why you think that?

Sage: Because you're social media famous. Because I know if I asked you how many relationships you had you would tell me tons. And you would admit to me how much of a whore you are. And then tell me you can change for me.

I settled back on the couch.

Colby: I hate to break it to you, asshole I've only dated two girls. Have I fucked a few, sure?  Hasn't everyone? Am I a whore? No. For you to think that, that's me. Is sort of upsetting,

Sage: Fair enough. And I hate to break it to you, but I will not fuck you because you're famous. I don't care what kissing you makes me feel like. Guys are assholes. And I deserve the best.

Colby: You deserve the best. And I doubt that is me. I work all the time. If I'm not working, I am practicing and going over plans for the videos with the team. I do press interviews, filming. I travel—a lot. And I don't plan on changing that to make anyone happy.

Sage: I understand. Glad we had that conversation. So, where do we go from here?

Colby: More kissing. More fun. More talking. More getting to know you.

Sage: I like that.

Colby: I get it. Developing feelings for someone always in the spotlight isn't as exciting as it sounds. I appreciate you seeing me as a real person. It's nice having a normal person to talk to.

Sage: 😊 I do like how honest we are with each other. It's nice not having to deal with fake people for once.

Colby: I have an idea. If you are free tomorrow, come to my place for the game.

Sage: I think I can do that. Sounds good. And I know my dad won't be upset knowing where I am watching the game. 😊

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