Part 2

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I checked my phone it had been a couple hours since I looked at it.

Colby: So, what does someone named Sage look like?

Five minutes later he had sent another reply.

Colby: You don't have to send a picture. I think it would be fun for you to describe yourself.

I looked across the lawn at the old couple passing by with their dogs. And I thought about it. Nobody had to describe themselves anymore because everything was tied to social media and cell phones. All of it was instant gratification. People valued themselves based on how many likes they got on Instagram.

Sage: Well let's start with hair. Mines sort of honey colored and wild. What about you?

Colby: Dark and lazy most days. If our hair had to fight it sounds like yours would win.

Colby: Okay. Let's talk eyes. What are yours like?

Sage: Green with a black ring around the outside. You?

Colby: Impressive explanation.

Sage: I'm an artist it's what I do.

Colby: Blue like the sky on a really fucking bitching day.

I laughed again and replied, twisting my hair around my finger. Dark hair and blue eyes, that was a great combination.

Sage: Blue eyes and dark hair. I kind of see you now. Please tell me you have a crooked grin!

Colby: I don't know. Wouldn't that mean I had a stroke or something?

I snorted, covering my mouth because I felt stupid for laughing at this stranger I knew nothing about.

Sage: It's my favorite thing about people. Crooked grins.

Colby: Jotting that down so I don't forget.

Something crashed in my gut.

Dad opened the door and came down the steps. "Ready Freddy?" He us taking me to the airport.

I stood up shaking off the weird feeling going on inside of me. What the fuck was it? That was not butterflies. I was not having butterflies for a stranger. I climbed in on the passenger side.

Sage: How tall are you?

Dad got comfortable beside me, letting out little grunts, the car rumbled to life and his seat-belt clicked.

Colby: Would you believe me if I said six foot four?

Sage: Yeah. What kind of question is that?

Colby: Just making sure you don't think I am trying to catfish you.

"Seat-belt, Kid."

I put my phone on my leg and buckled up. "Sorry." "What's so important on that thing?" Dad pulled down the driveway. "Since when are you glued to your phone? The last I heard you thought they made phones to brainwash all of society." He grinned.

I pursed my lips and shrugged.

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