Part 10

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"Thanks for the ride," I said to the Uber drive as I climbed out. My black heels splashing in a puddle. I smoothed my dress and headed up to the line. They packed the place as expected. I stepped to the side and took my phone out of my clutch.

Sage: I'm here.

Colby: Me too. Like the dress.

My head shot up, searching for Colby amongst the throngs of people. Valet quickly dispensed one car after another full of people. And now I was nervous. Where was he?

A black sports car pulled up next, and the door opened—not a normal way. The way those fancy cars opened. And out came Colby, tall strapping and looking even hotter. He handed the valet a couple bills and stepped up onto the sidewalk.

"Told you I wasn't full of shit," he said hands extended.

Before I could speak, a bunch of women rushed forward.

"Can we get your autograph?" They pushed forward, doing all they could to get closer to him.

What the fuck was happening?

I turned around when the lady behind me screeched and told her husband to look.

"Colby Brock! Holy shit," more people clogged any chance of me making my way to him. Or him to me.

Colby Brock. Colby Brock.

My jaw dropped, and my feet started moving, I pushed through the crowd of woman and men excited to see him. And when I was standing in front of him, I raised an eyebrow, his blue eyes sparkling with a bit of amusement. He handed over some lady's pen. And took the next. And he let it go on until the last person backed off.

"Colby Brock. As in the famous YouTuber?"

He nodded. "Yes. Does this make more sense now?"

I nodded. "Um, yes."

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