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━ chamber of secrets


where it all fell apart



dan stevens as gilderoy lockhart

tia jonsson as wynter lockhart

authors note. So I did some research and Gilderoy has two sisters, who are not witches and when he turned out to be a wizard, his mother gushed over him hence why he began to act like he did. And when he arrived at Hogwarts and met all these wizards and witches and people didn't fuss over him, he felt some type of way and vowed to make people love him. He was skilled in the charm Obliviate and so he used his skill to steal other people's amazing feats. He was a Ravenclaw, so that means he was smart somewhere. I won't make him a complete idiot in this act, and I also made his sister a witch cause, hey why not. Also, the songs I will be using as chapter titles let's just pretend that they're super old and were like released in 1987 or something, even if the song was released last year.

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