━ twenty, wide awake

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act two, chapter twenty
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𝗪as Viola Olivia Winchester really ready for a child? The answer was written in big fat, red bold letters and it read NO. Viola wasn't ready at all. She didn't expect to have such weird cravings, she didn't expect to wake up vomiting almost everyday, she didn't expect to have her boobs hurt like hell and she sure as hell didn't expect to absolutely hate coffee now. Coffee used to be her saving grace, and now it's disgusting and she wants to puke by just smelling it. Cheesecake was her saving grace, it didn't matter was it strawberry or lemon or something else, it was her saving grace.

The day begins with Viola tormenting James to rub her aching feet and James plainly refusing. Viola even tried the 'I am pregnant and you shall do what I say' card on him and it didn't work. Which is why she lay on her bed now, dramatically wailing, throwing her hands up in the air and screaming why while James rubbed his head, really annoyed, really trying to read Harry's Potions assignment and Harry looking at Viola weird.

At some point, Viola stopped, now suddenly deep in thought about her coming baby and Hogwarts. She didn't know if she was safe anymore here, which she thought was ironic since Dumbledore always boasted about how safe Hogwarts was. Maybe her stupid mother was right, maybe being a pureblood was a blessing and a curse at the same time. People respect purebloods but at the same time, they hated them because let's face it, purebloods act as though they own the entire world.

Take Lord Voldemort for example, Viola was sure he was a pureblood. As far as she knows, no halfblood could ever treat people like that. But then there were a few good purebloods. James, who still refused to rub her aching feet, Sirius, who was once pure and could make everyone smile with his mere presence.

"Mad Hatter? Are you okay?" James snapped Viola back into reality and she looked at him, smiling when she saw him helping Harry and for a fleeting moment, there was Lily, bending forward to show Harry what he spelt wrong, there was Remus, face palming himself at something Sirius loudly said and was now laughing about and lastly, there was Peter, wiping away the tears from laughing too hard.

Viola smiled to herself again, laughing a little. "Always okay Prongs, always." And suddenly, she just knew who she was naming her child or children after.

Maybe being Noah's friend again had its perks, Viola noticed that during his class. He, alongside James and Severus, was one of the few who did everything Viola asked but the only one who fell in deep. He basically had to run everywhere and since its his child growing inside Viola, he felt like he had to do everything and he didn't want James and them to do anything, cause hey, he's the father.

"Noah... You know how much I love you right?" Viola cried out dramatically that night as she sat beside Cedric for their Astronomy lesson.

"You've made that very clear this morning Viola." Noah reminded her, a grim expression on his face when he recalled how she hurled a lemon pie at him when he refused to pour out his coffee.

"Scratch out this morning honeypoochkins, I really do love you." Cedric scooted a little further away from his overly dramatic Professor and the entire class watched with interest as Viola began crying. "I just was a slice of lemon cheesecake and a puppy."

"A puppy?" Noah echoed back to her and Viola nodded, sniffing as she wiped away her tears. "But you know the rules, only cats, toads and sometimes rats are allowed. And owls."

"I promise Freddie won't fight with Minnie."

"Freddie? Are you naming the puppy you don't even have? Look Viola, after this class, we'll go down to the kitchens and have a huge cheesecake just for ourselves and then I'll ask Hagrid to give you a puppy."

Viola brightened up. "Really? All for me?!" Noah nodded, a smile on his lips.

However, that later never came, for Viola fell asleep right after Noah dismissed his class and he couldn't help but smile at her sleeping form. Viola however, never knew the type of shock she'd get in the wee hours of the morning. ❨ Curse these nightmares for waking her so early! ❩

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"𝗠an, do they make beds out of cement these days?" Viola yawned as she sat upright, then noticed she wasn't in her room at all or on a bed for that matter. What she did notice however, was Noah's figure on his chair and she shakily stood up, stretching her legs. "Hey Noah, when will we go get that cheesecake cause I'm starving right now and ━" Fear gripped her heart as she finally noticed Noah. His face was warped in fear, his mouth agape and his arms outstretched, as though he was shielding himself from it. They thing that petrified him.

As mentioned before, Viola was top of her Care for the Magical Creatures class and she knew all the animals that can either petrify you or kill you with one stare. To name a few, there was Medusa, there was a Basilisk and honestly, they would've noticed giant snake or a lady with snakes for hair.

"I need to get Severus." Viola whispered to herself, already rushing out the door and running down the flights of stairs and all the way to the Great Hall, where she was sure people were eating breakfast already. She was right, there were a few people dotted around the tables and there sat Severus, talking merrily to Gilderoy and Wynter. "Sev!"

Viola nearly tripped when he looked at her.

"It's Noah! It's got him! He's been petrified."

All chatter died down when Viola said the last sentence and they all looked at her. Gilderoy grew pale and Wynter burst into tears, while Severus' jaw hardened and McGonagall stood up, looking directly at Dumbledore.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, I think it's time we shut down the school. If the person behind this does actually succeed in killing someone... Well, I don't even want to know. We have to shut down the school."

"We will not be shutting down the school Professor McGonagall. The culprit will come forth." Viola had a really hard time believing that but she said nothing as she remembered Noah's mortified face. Whomever is behind this, that bastard will fucking pay.

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an. Hello, it's short and shit but it's almost done. 😭😭😭😭🤧😪 Also umm, you're gonna hate me for the next chapter but umm, ig sorry?

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