Unassuming Adoration

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In Mount Olympus

"Lachesis, how are the fated ones doing?" Clotho enquired.

It was Day 3, and The Fates wondered if the fated ones have been making good progress in defeating the darkness.

"It might be too early to tell." Lachesis trailed her fingers along the loom before she found the threads of the fated ones.

It was a sad sight to see.

The beautifully interwoven fates of the fated ones; the beautiful white and gold threads were still dyed by the black inkiness of those who sought to tear them apart.

"There's still hope, right?" Atropos asked, her voice shaky from fear.

"It's still early. We can only hope that their love will continue to transcend everything handed to them." Clotho said wisely.

"At least the ends have not been tainted. It means they are still holding on." Lachesis observed.

And that was everything they were relying on. For the fated ones to hold on to each other regardless of the challenges that were bound to come their way.


In Seoul

"Today?" Ye Jin frowned.

A soft murmur could be heard from the other end of the phone as Ye Jin listened with her lips pursed. Her manager has just informed her that her radio interview scheduled for next week has been pushed forwards. It didn't look like she has much of a choice.

"Alright, I'll be there. Thank you." Ye Jin said before she hung up the phone.

"Jagiya, what's wrong?" Hyun Bin snaked his arms around her waist before he rested his chin lightly on her shoulder.

Ye Jin relaxed into his warm embrace instantly, feeling the tension leave her muscles.

"One of my interviews got pushed forward to today. I'll have to leave for it soon. And to think I wanted to continue reading the scripts today..." Ye Jin sighed.

"Did MSTeam give you an extension?" Hyun Bin asked.


"That's good, right?"

"I suppose so. I'll be fine, love." Ye Jin finally smiled.

Ye Jin knew she just needed some time to process her new schedule. This wasn't the first time plans were altered and Ye Jin simply needed to settle down and mentally prepare for her day ahead.

"Don't you have an interview today too?" Ye Jin suddenly recalled.

"I do. My manager is coming over to fetch me at noon." Hyun Bin smiled.

"Another busy day..." Ye Jin commented lightly.

"We'll be fine. I just know you'll be amazing in your interview." Hyun Bin brought Ye Jin closer to him so that he could hug her for a little while longer before the busyness takes her away from him.

"And you will do well in yours too, love. Just don't be boring!" Ye Jin teased him.

Hyun Bin pretended to be offended as he played along. "Me? Boring? Never!"

Ye Jin was in stitches at Hyun Bin's dramatics while a goofy smile could be seen on his face. It was easy to make Ye Jin laugh and he would never get tired of doing that.

"Omo, my stomach hurts!" Ye Jin continued laughing loudly, clutching at her stomach.

"You deserve it for calling me boring." Hyun Bin pouted.

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