Love Transcends

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This chapter is dedicated to yesitsbinjin! Thank you sweetie for the nightly brainstorming sessions! You more or less helped me plan this last special chapter of TOL! Love ya!


Somewhere in Mount Olympus

"Bullseye!" Cupid cheered when he finally hit his target.

Odium shook his head at his friend's antics before he shot another arrow with well-practiced ease and accuracy.

"Oh come on, say something! Good job? You're awesome? Keep it up? You're a terrible cheerleader, old friend." Cupid whined.

"I'm not your cheerleader and frankly, I do not want to be a contributor to your narcissistic pride." Odium dismissed Cupid's whining.

"Awww but it's my first bullseye today."

"It's concerning if anything, Cupid. How have you been shooting arrows for centuries when you can't hit your target properly?"

"I'll have you know that I am a great archer." Cupid crossed his arms defensively.

"Your point?" Odium gestured to the mess of arrows stuck into the target.

Apart from the one and only bullseye that Cupid hit, the rest of his twenty or so arrows were in a mess of disarray. Comparing his board to Odium's, it was clear who was the better archer.

"Show-off." Cupid huffed before he flew over to dislodge his arrows from the board.

Odium smirked, knowing he was getting under Cupid's skin. It has only been a day since he became a Mount Olympus God and sadly, that meant Cupid became his automatic buddy. (At least he hasn't left his side since he moved here). 

Odium's job was still the same but this time, instead of breaking couples up, his goal was to test them with the necessary challenges to strengthen their love. Unfortunately, that meant Cupid was his working partner too.

Yet, deep down, Cupid was growing on him too. Let's just say that he tolerates him.

"I wonder what the fated ones are up to. It's Valentine's Day today." Odium mused, letting his thoughts drift back to his favourite couple. In a way, he owed them one for changing his immortal life for the better. 

"Let's go see them!" Cupid shouted.

Wait, Cupid heard him? Does he have super-hearing?

Shaking his head, Odium and Cupid teleported back to the mortal realm. With Cupid's incessant whining about the pink holiday, their journey to the mortal realm was far from quiet.


In the mortal realm

It was the afternoon when Ye Jin and Hyun Bin woke from their slumber. They finally had a day off and that meant they used the opportunity to sleep in. Their day started off slow as they simply lazed around on their bed, choosing to snuggle rather than leave the warmth and comfort of their bed.

"Love, have I ever told you this story? Back in high school, my friend wanted to treat me to a donut. So, we went to our favourite donut shop and she told me to pick a flavour. I still remember it vividly. I turned to her and told her, 'I want the round one.' She literally looked at me as if I grew a head. It was hilarious!" Ye Jin was sharing one of her fondest memories.

"You meant the ones without the hole in the middle right?" Hyun Bin grinned adoringly at her.

"You understand my language!" Ye Jin clapped happily like a seal.

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