Precious Protection

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Many thanks to Mommy JY CoolIssue for bouncing ideas with me for this chapter. You really helped me out of my box with your amazing ideas and comments on the social media part LOL. Also, special thanks to Twinnie rulesthegalaxy for your suggestion as well which I did incorporate in this chapter in the end! cmpotter dear, thank you for your ideas as well but I'm saving them for a more appropriate chapter! Love y'all muchies!❤️


In Mount Olympus

"How rude of you to send me down to the mortal realm for a mission without inviting me in for some nectar first. It's been centuries since you allowed me in here!" Cupid touched the back of his hand to his forehead dramatically.

"What's their progress, Cupid." Lachesis cut straight to the chase.

Sighing dramatically, the God simply crossed his arms and pursed his lips. "They're fine. There was a little bump today, but it is not my fault. They resolved it so everything is flowers and rainbows again!"

"What do you mean there was a bump?" Clotho hissed.

"Well...things were a little tense and there were some tears but before you panic, everything was forgiven!" Cupid held up his hands in an attempt to keep the peace.

"The threads!" Atropos was the first to react.

The Fates immediately bent over the loom as Lachesis located the threads of the fated ones. It was with a sigh of relief that the ends of their threads were still a mix of white and gold. As long as the ends do not darken completely, there was still hope.

"Cupid! You need to be more careful!" Atropos chastised the careless God immediately.

"I am careful!" Cupid defended himself.

Odium's just sneaky...

"Clearly you need to do more!" Atropos retorted, holding up her scissors threateningly.

"Whoa whoa! I am doing my best! It's not like it's a matter of shooting arrows at them. There is a delicate line of balance between my magic and helping them." Cupid claimed.

"Excuses," Atropos muttered underneath her breath.

"What did you just say?" Cupid challenged the ancient God.

Ancient or not, he wouldn't stand by and get belittled like that.

"Enough. Why are you still here, Cupid? Shouldn't you be watching over the fated ones?" Lachesis mediated between the two.

"It's nighttime. For someone who wears black all the time, Odium isn't a night owl. I swear he has a fixed schedule. He never bothers them at night." Cupid said dismissively.

"You should go back to the mortal realm, Cupid. It isn't the right time to leave the fated ones alone." Clotho said wisely.

"Fine..." Cupid huffed out, stomping childishly on the spot before he went back to the mortal realm.

Those old hags need to treat him better. They didn't even offer him some nectar.


Back in the mortal realm – the next day

"Don't forget your vitamins, Tae Pyung! Aaaah..." Ye Jin attempted to feed Hyun Bin the vitamins.

"Do I have to? They taste terrible. Why couldn't pharmaceutical companies make them into gummies as they do for children?" Hyun Bin pouted.

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