Truthful Evil

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My sincere thanks to cmpotter for giving me the idea for this chapter and the next one coming up tomorrow! I couldn't have done this without you. 

P.S. please don't scream at her lovelies. The responsibility for any tears as always is all on me.


"Love does not delight in evil but rejoice with the truth."

This evil comes in many forms. On one extreme, you have murder, adultery, abuse. On the other extreme, you have lies, deceit and even the simple act of hiding the truth.

True love does not delight in these evils. Conversely, it rejoices in the truth. It rejoices in what is right and good. Love does not seek ways to ignore injustices in a relationship because true love has nothing to hide.

For that reason alone, one should never feel at ease when an injustice arises; even if that injustice is simply a decision or an action that makes one uncomfortable. 

To feel discomfort is an injustice on its own in a relationship and peace only comes when the truth is revealed. Rather than sweeping things under the rug, in love, with love, one should seek the truth to restore peace and harmony once again.


In Mount Olympus

"The fated ones have been doing well," Lachesis observed the entwined threads closely.

Over the past few days, the progress the fated ones have made was becoming more obvious to the naked eye. While only the tips of their threads were spared from the darkness previously, the gold and white of their threads were now restored to the middle; the halfway mark. It was a hopeful sight to The Fates.

"Their love is strong," Atropos confirmed as she cut away another thread from the loom.

"It would appear so." Lachesis turned the threads over in her hands before placing them back into the loom gently.

"What are the chances of things going astray?" Clotho asked, ever the careful one.

"There are still 6 more tests to go. We can't let down our guards yet, sisters." Lachesis sighed.

"And we're really trusting Cupid with them? Are there really no other Gods we can send to help them?" Atropos asked, her face twisted in annoyance at the thought of the impetuous God.

"Sadly, no. We will have to trust Cupid. He is the God of love and desire." Clotho tried to sound convincing.

You couldn't blame The Fates for their distrust. Truthfully, Cupid has a rather strong reputation amongst the Gods for being a pain in the ass. 

If he wasn't out causing trouble, he would be using those arrows of his to prank the Gods. Atropos was still not over how he embarrassed her in front of her crush. In short, they had a history with the God, and none of them had a completely optimistic impression of Cupid.

All three sighed heavily, finding it hard to admit that the fate of their two worlds lies in the hands of Cupid as much as it did with the fated ones.

Was this a recipe for disaster or a chance for redemption?


In the mortal realm


Streaks of vivid white crackled against the stormy grey skies, breaking the utter blackness with the hot flashes of the lightning bolts. In the brief moment, the white illuminated the sky in a dark shade of purple and grey before darkness shrouded the entire canvas of the stormy sky.

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