Hopeful Hearts

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This chapter is dedicated to my big sister cmpotter for all your brainstorming sessions and random talks that really inspired me a lot throughout the time I was writing threads! You most definitely have a cameo in TOL and this is it! Enjoy yourself!❤️


Threads of golden rays caressed the lovebirds gently, warmly welcoming them to another brand new day. Slowly, they became more aware of the gentle twittering of the birds and the vivid morning light.

Hyun Bin was the first to peel his eyes open, squinting his eyes adorably until he got accustomed to the light. Past the morning bleariness, Hyun Bin's heart soared when his eyes focused on his angel.

There were times when every morning felt the same. They wake up, smile at each other and thank the heavens for blessing them with such a good partner. But, even in those identical moments, there was a poignant difference in their emotions. For every morning, their hearts were filled with a myriad of emotions built on the foundation of their love for each other.

Which was why every morning was cherished by the couple for it was a reminder that they were starting another day together.

Today, no one could wipe the smile off Hyun Bin's face because he woke up to the best view. His mind and heart were still filled with deep appreciation that Ye Jin gave herself to him again. Last night was different and he would always remember how they surrendered themselves to one another again. Just like their first time. It was an act based on full trust, forgiveness and most importantly, love.

Shortly after, Ye Jin woke as well, and she instinctively burrowed herself into the warmth of her beloved's embrace. She could feel him rubbing smooth circles on her bare shoulders and that made her smile.

Fully waking, Ye Jin rubbed the remainders of sleep from her eyes before she gazed up at Hyun Bin with pure adoration. With the sun shining in the horizon, Hyun Bin was practically radiating light as he gazed into her eyes as well.

This was nice.

To be able to wake up next to your beloved was always a blessing. Both of them counted their blessings every single time because they were two individuals who understood the loneliness of a bright morning.

Sometimes, you wouldn't know that you are missing something until you tasted the joy. Before, they may have been used to waking up alone. But now, they would never wish to go back to the past. It was about the future after all.

"Good morning." Hyun Bin greeted her huskily.

"Good morning." Ye Jin eyes were in their perfect crescent moon, everything about her radiating happiness.

The morning glow was real and it was because they love each other so very much.

Ye Jin and Hyun Bin lapsed back into a comfortable silence, simply enjoying the warmth of the bed and their cuddling before they had to start their day. Hyun Bin had some work at the office before his filming started for good and Ye Jin would be taking a much-needed rest before she gets busy again.

"Your friend is coming over today, right?" Hyun Bin noted down the writing in their shared calendar.

"Omo! That's right, love. She's bringing her two girls too. I can't wait to see Mi Young and Hua Young." Ye Jin squealed excitedly, swinging her legs off the bed now.

"Those two girls adore you, Eon Jin. They are going to have so much fun today." Hyun Bin stood up from the bed as well, admiring Ye Jin as she put on a bathrobe.

Ye Jin giggled as she pulled out a set of clothes. "I'm taking a shower first!"

"Can I come?" Hyun Bin teased, putting his own bathrobe on.

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