Leap of Faith

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⚠️Content Warning: Mature! There will be 2 levels, steamy and steamier if you get what I mean. Read at your own discretion. Kids stay away, please! As usual, skip the parts indicated by the *** and proceed to the summary instead. Of course, I do not recommend reading this before reunion dinners or last-minute zoom meetings. 

Thank you CoolIssue for first convincing me a Vday special should have some eh hem moments and for brainstorming with and proofreading this chapter for me! Really appreciate it! Best senpai ever🙌🏻


"You don't always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go and see what happens." – Mandy Hale


Since it would seem the couple was in a good place again, neither Cupid, Odium or Hyun Bin expected what happened next while they were on the car ride home.

"Jagiya, isn't that where we can do bungee jumping? Let's do it!" Ye Jin pointed at the intimidating tower crane which must be at least 200 feet above the ground.

Hyun Bin almost swerved the car in his shock and he wasn't the only one who was stunned by her sudden statement. In the backseat, Odium and Cupid's eyes widened into the size of golf balls as they turned to stare at the fated one incredulously. Does she have a death wish?

"Love, why would you want to go bungee jumping?" Hyun Bin's voice rose from both shock and concern.

Didn't she forgive him already? Why does it feel like she's trying to kill them? It's bungee jumping! It was so unlike Ye Jin to volunteer to bungee jump when there was no competition. Ye Jin was brave but she wasn't the type to put herself in harm's way if she could help it especially when she wasn't in winning mode.

"It's not for me, it's for you." Ye Jin explained.

Eyes wide, Hyun Bin had to pull up at the side of the road before he could cause an accident. He was having trouble processing Ye Jin's words and as much as he prided himself in being able to read her like an open book, today was not one of those days.

"I need help understanding this, love. You want to bungee jump for me? Not because you want to?" Hyun Bin reorganised his thoughts.

"Ne, that's right." Ye Jin nodded her head.


He wished he didn't ask that question because the smile slipped off Ye Jin's face instantly, only to be replaced by a forlorn expression.

"Wait, let's just do it. Forget I said anything." Hyun Bin panicked instantly.

Ye Jin shook her head sadly before she looked at her love again.

"It's just...I've been thinking and I feel bad for digging out your insecurities, Tae Pyung. I don't want you to misunderstand me. It's not that I do not have faith in your abilities. Rather, I don't wish for you to take on more risks than you should. I know my words might have rattled your nerves and I'm sorry." Ye Jin finally admitted softly.

Finally, Hyun Bin understood what was going on. Ye Jin was trying to build up his confidence again. She was trying to help him.

"I'll do it." Hyun Bin broke the silence, knowing Ye Jin would feel better if he did it. He was scared but he would do anything for Ye Jin. Even if it meant jumping off a 200 feet tower.

"Jinjja? Then let's go!" Ye Jin's mood lifted instantly.

She felt tons better now that Hyun Bin understood where she was coming from. Besides, she has done it once. How bad could it be the second time? For Hyun Bin, she would do this.

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