The Museum of Cultural History

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The group stood in front of the doors of the museum, looking in through the windows.

"That's your mother's spinning wheel,"Jay asked. 

"Yeah, It's kinda dorky,"Carlos said. 

"It's magic. It doesn't have to look scary,"Mal said looking through her spellbook and reciting a spell,"Magic spindle, do not linger. Make my victim prick a finger."

"Impressive,"Jay said. 

"I got chills,"Carlos said. 

Jeanie rolled her eyes at the boys, her and Evie just waiting off to the side.

"Okay, you know what,"Mal said,"Prick the finger, prick it deep. Send my enemy off to sleep."

The security gaurd stood, and pricked his finger on the spindle, falling asleep.

"Not so dorky now, huh,"Mal asked trying to open the door but finding it locked.

"Stand back,"Jay said backing up. 

"Make it easy, make it quick, open up without a kick,"Mal recited and the door swung open right as Jay was about to kick it.

Mal laughed as she brushed past Jay who was on the floor. 

Evie followed her, then Jeanie who gave Jay a playful kick.

Carlos helped Jay stand and they followed after the girls. 

Evie led them up the stairs and through the exibits. 

They paused at the Hall of Villians.

"Well, the wand's not here. Let's bounce,"Jay said,"Let's go."

They continued down the hall, Jeanie pushing a door to another exhibit open. 

"My father's staff,"Jay said walking towards the gold snake staff that was on display. 

Jeanie headed nearby, to an illuminated gold lamp.

She reached out and picked it up. 

"Jeanie,"Evie exclaimed. 

"Relax, it didn't set off an alarm,"Jeanie said. 

"Yeah, it's Auradon. Nobody steals,"Jay said. 

Jeanie stashed the lamp in her jacket before the walked into the next room. 

"The wand,"Carlos said.

"I'll go get Mal,"Evie said running off before returning with Mal.

Jay had already walked around to the other side of the wand.

"Jay, don't,"Mal said, but Jay just smirked.

He reached out for the wand and an alarm started going off.

"A force field and a siren,"Carlos exclaimed.

"That's just a little excessive,"Jay said. 

"Let's go,"Mal said. 

The group raced out of the history museum and back towards the dorms.

"Way to go, Jay,"Mal said,"Now we have to go to school tomorrow."

Mal and Evie both fell asleep quickly once they had gotten back to the dorms. 

Jeanie sat in the window seat, looking out towards the Isle. 

In her hands she was holding the gold lamp.

She had already tried rubbing it, hoping for a genie to come out.

She startled when something hit the window, and she looked over to the location of the noise.

Jay was smiling and waving at her from not far away outside. 

Jeanie huffed, sticking her tongue out at him.

Jay mouthed something that looked like, 'Come on.'

Jeanie quietly grabbed her jacket, hid the lamp in her dresser, and snuck outside. 

Jay was waiting for here, leaning against the wall of the school. 

"What are you doing,"Jeanie asked. 

"Looking at the stars,"Jay said, looking up.

Jeanie followed his gaze, before punching his arm. 

"You know what I meant,"Jeanie said. 

"What, I couldn't sleep,"Jay said,"And clearly I'm not the only one."

Jeanie just leaned up agaisnt the wall, hugging her jacket around her.

"So, what's it like being home,"Jay asked. 

"This isn't my home,"Jeanie said,"It never was."

"What about your real parents? Do you want to find them,"Jay asked. 

"Maybe,"Jeanie said,"I don't know. I think some part of me wants to know why they didn't want me. I must've been a pretty big disappointment for them to give up a baby."

"Hey, you're not a disappointment,"Jay said,"You are the most intelligent, funny, prettiest girl I know. You're parents are idiots for giving you up. It's their loss."

"Thanks Jay,"Jeanie said. 

"Plus, if you think about it. If they hadn't given you up, you never would have met me,"Jay said,"And that would've been a real tragedy."

"I think I would've managed,"Jeanie said. 

"Hey,"Jay said, bumping her with his shoulder. 

"I should try and get some sleep,"Jeanie said,"You know, first day of school tomorrow."

"Yeah,"Jay said,"Goodnight Jeanie."

"Goodnight,"Jeanie said, walking back to her dorm.

She pulled the lamp out of the drawer and examined it while she laid in her bed. 

Something about the lamp called to her, but she didn't know why.

A/N: Oooo, look she decided to go off script at the end. 

So, thoughts on possible Jay/Jeanie? What would their shipname be?


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