Back to the Isle

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Jeanie was walking back to her dorm because her head was hurting.

She crashed into Evie. 

"Jeanie,"Evie said,"Good."

"E, my head is pouding,"Jeanie said,"Do you have any of that painkiller potion left?"

"Jeanie,"Evie said,"Mal's gone back to the Isle."

"She what,"Jeanie exclaimed. 

"I found this note,"Evie said, holding up a piece of paper,"I'm on my way to see Ben."

"I'll get the boys,"Jeanie said. 

The two split up, before regathering in the girl's dorm. 

"Evie, do you really have to make outfits,"Jay asked. 

"If we're not dressed correctly on the Isle it will be even harder to blend in,"Evie said,"It won't take me very long."

Jeanie's vision blurred for a second and she sat down, clutching her head. 

"Jeanie, you alright,"Carlos asked. 

Jay knelt down in front of her. 

"I'm fine,"Jeanie said,"Just a headache. Evie are you sure you don't have anymore of that potion."

"You just had some half an hour ago,"Evie said. 

There was a knock at the door and Ben opened it. 

"Hey Eli,"Ben said. 

"Um, Jeanie,"Eli said,"Can I talk to you?"

"Now is really not a good time,"Jeanie said. 

"It's important,"Eli said,"It's about that history project."

Eli held up the book in his arms, Jeanie's record book.

"Seriously dude that's the last thing she's...,"Jay started. 

"Jay,"Jeanie said,"Let's talk in the hall."

Jeanie and Eli went out into the hall. 

"What is it,"Jeanie asked. 

"I was looking through some stuff in the library, trying to figure out how you ended up on the Isle,"Eli said. 

"You didn't have to..."Jeanie started. 

"Just let me finish,"Eli said,"I found this old journal that mentioned how if two people are born on the same day they're bonded to one another."

"Bonded,"Jeanie questioned. 

"Like magically,"Eli said,"Then I found this article from the day you were born, the same day Mal was born."

"So the two of us are bonded magically,"Jeanie said,"Just because we're born on the same day."

"Yes,"Eli said,"And I found out that you can't be seperated by a magical barrier or else...."

"Or else what,"Jeanie asked. 

"Nothing good would happen,"Eli said,"That's why you had to be on the Isle, because you and Mal can't be seperated."

"This isn't good,"Jeanie said,"Eli, Mal's back on the Isle."

"Have you felt anything,"Eli said,"Anything out of the ordinary?"

"I've had a headache for the last couple of hours,"Jeanie said,"It's been getting worse."

Jeanie and Eli went back into the room. 

"So, we have another problem,"Jeanie said. 

Jeanie was getting worse. 

Evie had finished the outfits and everyone had changed, including Eli who insisted on coming along with them. 

"Jay, once we cross the bridge, park under the pier in the old garage,"Evie said. 

"We need to go now,"Eli said. 

Jeanie was laying down in the limo. 

Jay started driving them to the bridge. 

"How'd you figure out she and Mal were magically bonded,"Evie asked. 

Eli looked over at Jeanie, unsure what she wanted him to see. 

"I asked him to help me try and figure out how I ended up on the Isle,"Jeanie said before letting out a grunt."

"Is she okay,"Jay asked. 

"We're almost there,"Carlos said. 

They ended up back on the Isle, parking the limo. 

"Jeanie,"Eli said,"How are you?"

"It's starting to hurt less,"Jeanie said. 

"We need to be in and out,"Evie said,"Get Mal and get out."

A/N: This whole concept definitely needed to be reworked. 


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