The New VKs

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The five stood on the ledge togther, a crowd of villian kids around them. 

"I can't believe this day has finally arrived,"Evie exclaimed, "I honestly wish we could take you all with us, and someday very soon, we can."

"Yeah, we're gonna be back here so many times, you're going to be so sick of us,"Mal said. 

"So sick of us,"Jeanie said. 

"Can we get a drumroll, please,"Evie asked, the boys leading the crowd in a drumroll, "First, I would like to begin with the granddaughter of Lady Tremaine, daughter of Drizella, my sweet, sweet friend, Dizzy."

Dizzy ran up to where the others were, hugging Evie and Jeanie. 

"Next...the son of Smee,"Carlos said, "Come on, Squeaky!"

One of the twin boys ran over to Carlos.

"And no way we're splitting up the twins, so get over here, Squirmy, come on,"Jay said, the other twin boy running to Jay. 

"I am excited to say that we have a second Tremaine coming to Auradon,"Jeanie said,"So, Anthony, come on up."

Anthony headed up to where the others were, and reluctantly returned Dizzy's hug.

"And last, but certainly not least, we all picked this girl, because we all agreed that she could use a little bit of Fairy Godmother's goodness class,"Mal said, "Give it on up for Dr. Facilier's daughter, Celia!"

"We'll be back for you guys next week, okay,"Carlos said.

"Yeah, so pack your stuff,"Jay said, "Your own stuff."

"Where are you going,"Mal, Evie, and Jeanie all asked.

"We're going to,"Dizzy and Celia started.

"Auradon,"Everyone shouted.

"Hey,"Jeanie said to Anthony as the kids loaded their stuff into the limo,"You ready for this?"

"Ready to get out of here,"Anthony asked,"Yeah. Ready to be in Auradon and dealing with you again, no."

Jeanie punched his arm playfully. 

"Okay, let's get going,"Jay said. 

Jeanie climbed up front with him while everyone else got into the back. 

Jay opened the barrier and they started to drive out. 

"It's Hades,"Evie yelled,"Stop the car, he's trying to escape!"

They stopped the car, leaving the new kids inside while the rest stood out. 

"I am a GOD,"Hades yelled,"I don't belong here!"

Mal transformed into a dragon and fought him off. 

Then they hurried back into the car and over to Auradon.

"Okay, Anthony, I am taking you to your dorm room because the twins are sharing one, and Dizzy and Celia are sharing one,"Jeanie said. 

"So I'm gonna be stuck with some stuck up Auradon prince,"Anthony said,"Great way to start off my first day in Auradon."

"I actually think you'll get along with him pretty well,"Jeanie said, knocking on a door. 

The door opened revealing a smiling Eli. 

"Hi Jeanie,"Eli greeted,"Nice to see you again Anthony."

"Alright, I told Lonnie I would fill in for one of the guys at practice,"Jeanie said,"Let me know if you need anything Anthony."

Jeanie left, and Eli stepped aside to let Anthony in. 

"So, what's the first thing I should do in Auradon,"Anthony asked. 

"Hmmm,"Eli said,"That's a lot of pressure on me. I would suggest just a tour of the surrounding area."

"Well, let's go then,"Anthony said,"You're gonna show me right?"

A/N: So I cannot find a free, full copy of the script for the movie so this last part is gonna be entirely off book.

That also means that it's gonna take longer for updates to come out, sorry.


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