The Coronation

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Jeanie stood infront of the mirror, looking at herself in the dress. 

She wore matching teal platforms, and a couple of barrettes in her hair.

She had her hair curled and down, even though she usually had it pulled up in some way. 

"Hey, Mal just left with Ben and Evie's is doing Jay's hair,"Carlos said entering the room,"Are you read to go?"

Jeanie turned around and nodded. 

"Wow Jeanie, you look amazing,"Carlos said.

"Thanks,"Jeanie said,"Shall we?"

Carlos offered her his arm and they walked back towards the main entry hall where Evie and Jay were. 

Evie was fluffing out her dress, Jay leaned up against the wall, arms crossed because he had to pull his hair up into a bun. 

Evie squealed when she looked up and saw Jeanie. 

"I knew that color would make your flawless skin pop,"Evie said,"And a pink lipstick was definitely the way to go."

Jeanie looked over to where Jay was now looking over her.

He was about to say something when Evie took his arm and said,"Alright, we need to get to the cathedral."

Mal had grabbed the wand, and the four others rushed down from the balcony. 

"Mal, give me the wand,"Ben said.

"Stand back,"Mal said. 

"It's okay,"Ben said moving towards her.

"Ben, I said stand back,"Mal said.

"Let's go,"Carlos said. 

"Revenge time,"Jay said.

"You really want to do this,"Ben asked.

"We have no choice, Ben! Our parents...,"Mal started.

"Your parents made their choice,"Ben said,"Now you make yours."

"I think I want to be good,"Mal said.

"You are good,"Ben said.

"How do you know that,"Mal asked.

"Because... Because I'm listening to my heart,"ben answered.

"I want to listen to my heart, too. And my heart is telling me that we are not our parents,"Mal said, turning back to look at the for of them.

"I mean, stealing things doesn't make you happy. Tourney and victory pizza with the team makes you happy."

Jay laughed and nodded.

"And you, scratching dude's belly makes you happy. Who would've thought?"

Carlos was smiling.

"Evie... You do not have to play dumb to get a guy. You are so smart." 

Evie was nodding, and smiling.

"Jeanie, you don't owe anything to the Tremaine's. They've never done anything good for you."

Jeanie nodded.

"And I don't want to take over the world with evil. It doesn't make me happy. I want to go to school. And be with Ben. Because Ben makes me really happy,"Mal said,"Us being friends makes me really happy. Not destroying things. I choose good, you guys."

"I choose good, too,"Jay said. 

"I choose good,"Jeanie said next.

"I choose good,"Evie said.

"So, just to be clear, we don't have to be worried about how really mad our parents will be,"Carlos asked,"Because they're gonna be really, really mad."

"Your parents can't reach you here,"Ben said.

"Okay, then. Good,"Carlos said.

They all put their hands together, but then purple smoke swirled around the room. 

"I'm back,"Maleficent said, appearing from the smoke.

"Go away, mother,"Mal said.

"She's funny. Oh! I'm so... you're very funny,"Maleficent said,"Here. Wand me. Chop chop."

Mal tossed the wand to Fairy Godmother.

"Bibbidi-bobbidi..."Fairy Godmother started.

"Boo. Psych,"Maleficent said, freezing everyone and moving towards Fairy Godmother, to take the wand,"Where shall we begin? I know. Why don't we start by getting rid of this? Perfect fit! Oh, excuse me. Pardon me. Excuse me. The horns, the horns! Aw... Falling in love is weak... And ridiculous. It's not what you want."

"You don't know what I want,"Mal said,"Mom, have you ever once asked me what I want? I'm not you!"

"Oh, obviously,"Maleficent said,"I've had years and years and years and... Years of practice being evil. You'll get there."

"No, I will not. And I really wish that you had never gotten there yourself,"Mal said,"Love is not weak or ridiculous. It's actually really amazing."

"I know one thing, young lady,"Maleficent said,"You have no room for love in your life!"

"And now I command, wand to my hand,"Mal recited, the wand flying to her hand,Ha! It worked!"

"I hardly think so. Frankly, this is tedious and very immature,"Maleficent said,"Give me the wand. Give me the wand!"

"Hold on, Mal. Maybe good really is more powerful than evil,"Jeanie said.

"Oh, please! You're killing me,"Maleficent said,"Enough! You all will regret this!"

More purple smoke transformed Maleficent into a dragon. The group started running away.

"Magic mirror, show your bright light,"Evie said, shining the light at Maleficent so she fell.

"Leave my friends alone! This is between you and me, mother,"Mal said, her and Maleficent's eyes starting to glow,"The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before five hearts as one. The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before five hearts as one. The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before five hearts as one!"

Maleficent disappeared, into a shrunken form, the other's rushing towards her. 

Fairy Godmother unfroze everyone else. 

Mal, Evie, Carlos, Jay, Jeanie, and Ben all stood together.

"Well, let's get this party started,"Jay said. 

The six chanted together,"Ohayohay, hey!"

 A/N: You didn't think this was the end of the story, did you?

The end of part 1. 

I hope this rewrite is a lot better than the original. 

I am hoping to keep trying to stick closer to the script and just add in other stuff.

Anyway, which song from the first movie is your favorite?


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