Chapter 20

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7 months later, Day of the wedding

Bree's POV:

Today is mine and chases wedding! *squeals* I am just so happy. I'm marrying the love of my life! Today is August 4th. We graduated high school two months ago. Oh the ceremony's starting. I stand behind these big doors, along with the brides maids, and the best men in front of me. The doors open and the organ starts playing. The bridesmaids, and their dates (the best men lol) I start walking out, tears of joy and happiness sliding down my face. I smile as I look around the room, I smile even bigger when I see Chase. A moment later I reach chase he throws my veil over my head so he can see my face, he places my hands in his as a tear slides down his face. I smile, he smiles back.

Minister: Chase, do you take Bree as your lawfully wedded wife?

Chase: I do.

Minister: and do you, Bree take Chase as your lawfully wedded husband?

Bree: I do.

Minister: then with the power invested in me, I pronounce you Husband and Wife. Chase, you may now kiss the bride.

Chase smiles and steps closer to me. He places his hands on my back and dips me into the kiss. When we pull away everyone claps and we walk down the isle. We walk through the big doors and I have a surprise for Chase.

Bree: Chase, I have something to tell you.

Chase: what is it Bree?

Bree: I'm pregnant!

I swear I have never seem chase smile as big as he was now. He places his hands on my cheeks and kisses me passionately. When he pulls away he places his hand on my stomach. Tears of happiness we're sliding down his face.

Chase: I'm going to be a dad.

Bree: yes you are. Your going to be an amazing dad.

Chase: and you'll be an amazing mom.

I smile and kiss him again. Then we head outside and into the limo. We decided not to go on a honeymoon since I'm already pregnant. We go back to our apartment and change into some jeans and a t-shirt and then head over to davenports and tell them the big news. Everyone was so happy.

So, this story only has like 1 more chapter left. Maybe 2. Idk. Lol. Hope u guys like this chapter.

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