A brase love story!

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Sorry I haven't updated in about a week or two. I have been busy with school, chores, homework, and so many other things. I also haven't really been able to focus cause all I can think about right now is my crush who I just found out likes me to!!!!!! Yay! But we both decided to just be friends for right now cause if we dated and broke up it would hurt us to much. He broke a couple of his toes p so he is on crutches and some people can be so rude, they don't even let him through the hallway to get to class. I help him by asking people to please move so he can get through. And his friend carries his stuff. Well I help to, He lets me carry his jacket and a couple of his notebooks. NBut anyways let's just get to the story...

Bree's POV:

So I woke up before chase and cleaned up the hotel room, you know since he planned the this whole entire thing. It is the least I could do. After I finish cleaning I lay back down next to chase, I smile and kiss him. I was about to pull away when I felt him smile and start kissing back. A few seconds later we pull away and smile. He sits up and looks around the room. I sit up to.

Chase: you know you didn't have to clean the room by yourself. I could have helped you

Bree: it is ok, it was the least I could do for my handsome boyfriend who planned this whole thing.

Chase: well, here is a reward for your generosity. I forgot to give it to you last night at dinner.

He stands up, walks over to the closet and pulls a little box out. He smiles and sits back down next to me. He hands me the box. I smile and open it to find the most beautiful bracelet I have ever seen. It is made of diamonds! I place it onto my wrist and kiss chase. He smiles into the kiss, we pull away a few seconds later.

Bree: it is beautiful chase. Gosh, I am really going to have to pay you back in a really big surprise.

Chase: what ever you say my queen.

I laugh.

Bree: well my king, shall we start heading home?

Chase: splendid idea.

We hop off the bed, then make the bed. We grab our bags and head towards the car after checking out. We put the suitcases in the trunk and start driving home. We get home and put our stuff away. After we finish unpacking we lay down on the couch and take a nap, that drive 2 hour kinda wore us out. We fell asleep with me in chases arms, with my head on his chest, It was nice. We were woken up about an hour and a half later by Douglas. Good to know they are home. I just groan and bury my face into chases chest and wrap my arms around him. We slept for about another half hour. We woke up and I went to my room and just plopped onto my bed and laid there for a couple minutes till I felt someone come lay next to me.

Chase: you still tired to?

Bree: a little. I might need to go for a swim to wake myself up.

Chase: me to. Want to change and go for a swim?

Bree: sounds like a plan. But I want to sleep for 5 more minutes.

Chase: me to, but if we sleep for 5 more minutes Adam and Leo might come pour cold water on is or something.

Bree: yeah let's change.

Chase walks to his room and changes into his swimsuit. I do the same. After we change we both head to the pool. We jump in and swim around for about an hour. Let me just say that water definitely woke us up. It was cold at first. After the swim we went inside and changed into some warm clothes. When we finished changing we both agreed that we should eat something so we went into the kitchen and made some sandwiches. Then we sat down at the table and ate. After we finished eating we cuddled up together on the couch.

Bree: what do you want to do in the future?

Chase: let's see... Walk down the isle with you, buy a house with you, maybe have a couple kids with you, just has to involve you and I'm there.

Bree: awww your so sweet. So you'd actually want to settle down in a couple years, get married and have a baby? With me?

Chase: yup.

I smile and kiss him real quick. I close my eyes, and I kinda dosed off. Chase did to. We must have been really tired. When we fell asleep again it was about 4:45pm. Tasha woke us up at 6:30 for dinner. After dinner we said goodnight to everyone, changed into our pajamas, went into chases room, climbed into his bed, and fell asleep in each others arms, again. I don't know why we are so tired today. Oh well. Tomorrow we are going shopping for new school clothes, school starts in like a week and a half. Ugh. we got our schedules already. I had absolutely NO CLASSES with chase! We made davenport talk to the school about changing that. Now we have ALL the same classes.

(So so so so so sorry I haven't updated in a VERY LONG TIME! Updating more tomorrow. :) )

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