2, The Mansion

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Lucien helps me out of the car and wraps his arm around my waist. I whimper loudly flinching as his hand grazed over a large bruise I received not too long ago from my uncle. He furrows his brow and lifts my shirt up, licking his thumb and wiping away the powder and foundation that was covering it up. They both see the extensive bruising – covering my midsection.

"How recent was this, Aurora?" Chance asks. His tone – melodic and tender, like a lullaby.

"Y-Yesterday -" I whimper out, looking in the opposite direction from them – anywhere but their eyes. My palms became clammier.

"We'll get you ice for that when we lay down okay?" Lucien reassures, pulling down my shirt again and somehow his movements slowed – as if in slow, nursing strides.

I felt like the room was spinning. I couldn't take one more step without feeling my stomach flutter and my head shifting in waves. I rub my eyes as they guide me up the small staircase to the front door. As soon as my feet cross the threshold, my vision clears, and I look around the entrance as they opened the front doors.

Oh, this grand – so luxurious. I'm afraid to touch anything – hell, I'm fearful to sneeze, in horror what would happen if I knocked something over – how would I pay for the damage?

"Our room is just up here; can you go up on your own? We'll be there in just a second." I nod. "It's on your left, the door at the very end of the hallway." I bow my head again pensively taking one stair at a time up to the richly carpeted landing and turning left. My god my hip hurts so bad. I open the door quietly and walk in gazing in awe at the bed, the walls, the floor, ugh this was such a magnificent room.

As I clumsily stumble into the grandiose, lavishly decorated room, I notice a tuft chaise lounge in the corner, in front of a floor to ceiling bay window that lead out onto a marbled balcony. It was calling to me to bask in the serenity, the birds chirping and a sweet jasmine breeze.

The throw blanket looks so soft – the men wouldn't mind if I rested my eyes for a moment, would they? I haven't been surrounded by this much comfort since my mom was beside me, you know - alive? I sigh and take the fabric between my fingers, somehow it reminded me of my mother. Her hair was even softer than this.

I miss my mother so much. My uncle tried to make me forget her. He tried to beat her out of my memory. The ironic thing is, now I try my best not to think about her. If she could see me now. I tremble at the fleeting thought.

I don't know where my father is, he's somewhere out there. I just don't know where.

He abandoned my mother and I some time ago. He's such a distant memory, I can't even recall his name, his face, his hands, hell – even his voice, I don't remember. I feel like I should be crying. Weeping? Some semblance of emotion, but all I can do is stare blankly out the window from the comfort of my newly discovered safe place.

I let go of the blanket, soon hearing the door shut from across the room. I swallow the nerves back down my throat turning around to face them. It's only Chance in the room, I don't know where Lucien went.

"Come, lay down beautiful, you need your rest." Chance's arms opened up to me. As if he expected me to run into them for what – comfort?

Avoiding him, I made sure to make a wide sidestep to the opposite side of the king-sized bed. And as I moved, I pondered, rest for what? I nod and look at the bed taking my lower lip between my teeth as he lies down. "W-Where?" I ask, referring to each side. He pats right next to him. Oh fuck - I have to be in the damn middle!!

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