3, The First Time

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Aurora's POV:

*2 months later*

Being here isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Lucien and Chance have not laid a finger on me in a sexual manner, yet. It's strange since they treat me like a slave – if I'm being honest. They don't impose a strong sense of coercion for me to perform domestic tasks, except to prepare their meals.

Luckily, my mother taught me how to cook. On her pay days, we had just enough to splurge on baking and meal preparations. These were the times I loved the most – the moments I cherished the most. But since she passed, I lost the passion for it. The loss of her from my life made me despise the act, the planning of a menu, the execution of putting the ingredients together, to the end result, and finally to see the looks and hearing the sounds of pleasure coming from those who were enjoying the meals I made – chiseled away at whatever joy I had for cooking. My mother made every moment I experienced – better.

"We're going to work; we'll be back around five." Lucien's voice boomed as her and Chance pushed away from the table, leaving their cleaned plates behind.

"Okay," I motioned silently – weaving back and forth through the kitchen picking up their dishes and rinsing them off in the sink before I loaded the dishwasher.

They've been mostly sweet and gentle with me, but we barely talk to each other. Usually, the only time we talk is when they go to work, they never go into detail with me. And I'm fine with that, as long as they don't hurt me – they can come and go as they please.

I typically only see them during mealtimes or before bed and when we wake up.

"Remember the rules Aurora, we're watching." Chance waved his hand behind his head as they strode out the door.

"I know." I busied myself as they left.

On their way out of the house, I was called to the front door. In order for my delay in response – washcloth in hand I ran to the front door.

"Come to our office right at 5:30, we'll be there."

"M-May I ask why s-sir?" I nervously wring the towel in the palms of my hands.

"No." Lucien snapped.

I swallow the lump down my throat nodding.
"I'd recommend getting rest today. You're going to need it." Like a deranged dog, Lucien barked another order. It should have frightened me, but in contrast to fear, it thrilled me – his dominance provoked a desirable sense of dread.

"O-Okay," I took quick to answer – for Chance's eyes widened and darkened at my seemingly enthusiastic response time.

Both men turn around and walk out the front door leaving me leaning against the foyer wall. I slowly make my way upstairs going to my panic room. When they're at work I usually come here and relax, watching TV all day. When they get home I always have to go back to their room and wait for them. They usually text me when they're home.

*5:30 PM*

Chance: We're home.

Why did they want me to come to their office? I gradually make my way to the library, going up the stairs and walking into their office. Taking deliberate and tentative strides I halt, standing just mere inches outside the large mahogany double doors.

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