5, Escape Rout

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Opening my eyes, I see that the sun is barely peeking through the clouds, it's raining, storming, the thunder kept me up all night. Usually when it storms, I sleep easier, but no, not last night I didn't.

My plan was to escape, somehow, I have to come up with a plan before it's too late and the light of day gives me away. I sigh to myself quietly as I sit up in bed, Lucien and Chance are fast asleep thank god. Here goes nothing.

I scoot to the bottom of the bed, tip toeing across the floor reaching the door. It opens slow, with the loudest creak ever. Uh oh. I quickly make my way out of their room gently shutting the large dark oak door behind me.

The grin on my face – ear to ear aches the apples of my cheeks - I see the front door in the distance – so close but yet so far. I keep chanting to myself, I'm finally going to get out of here. I can't wait to go back home. I can't wait to sleep in my bed, to visit my mom's grave - I just miss her so much.

I open the front door leading out onto the porch, the rain pelts down upon me. I run down the steps and towards the gate, I made it. I'm out.

"Aurora! Get your ass back here!" You've got to be kidding me. I feel defeated as I turn around – grief stricken, I come face-to-face with a pissed off Chance... I'm in so much fucking trouble. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" He growls through clenched teeth. I stay silent staring down at my feet.

I can still make it out the gate if he's distracted for even a split second. But instead of me acting on what I was thinking, I allowed him to step closer to me, circling his arms around my small frame securing me tightly in his arms pressing against his chest.

"I'm sorry." I say emotionless. I'm such a failure. I couldn't even save myself.

"Let's get you inside before you get yourself sick." He doesn't respond to my apology. He just drags me up the drive to the front door. Back to my prison.


I jerk away from Chance as he grabbed my waist pulling me towards him. "I just want to go home." I cry to Chance, trying to appeal to his softer side.

"I get that, princess, I do. But you can't. You know you can't. I'm willing to just give you a small punishment, we don't have to tell Lucien about this. He won't be as nice as I am."

Chance cocks his head to the side raising one of his scary curvy eyebrows.

"How do you think my dear brother would react if he were the one who had discovered you little indiscretion? Not to mention, he doesn't like waking up this early especially with bad news. Now, since I was the one who kept you from making a deadly mistake, do you think I should inform him? Or would you prefer to keep this between you and me, and endure a small punishment? So, which is it sugar?" Chance asks cupping my cheek as I let out another dreaded tear.

I inhale sharply avoiding eye contact with him. "Option one or option two. Option one is a small punishment from me, and our little secret," He winks. "Option number two is I'll let Lucien know and let him handle you his own way. It won't be pretty either baby." I whine.

"Neither." I mumble underneath my breath.

"I guess I'll just pick for you. Just let me go get Lucien really quick. I'll be right ba-"

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