8, Happy

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All Lucien wanted me to do was sort files mainly. I actually liked doing it. It was fun. Even though he found doing it himself - boring. I think I'm starting to like it here. You know? Here? With them? I can't describe the way Chance made me feel. I've never done that before either. It was a new kind of freedom, like the froth of the rapids rushing over boulders and sharp rocks into the mouth of a vast river. It felt foreign, but it felt monumentally good – too.

I suddenly became distracted by a black car that passes by ours. It stops next to our car at the red light. The man's face turns towards mine, his sick sinister grin. It didn't take me another second to realize it was Grayson. My sick twisted uncle. What's he doing so close to their house?

The moment the car turns into the long, rounded paved driveway I don't hesitate and wait for Lucien and Chance to walk with me. The moment the front door opens, I sprint straight away to the security of my room, laying down upon the freshly made bed. Breathing a sigh of relief as I let the tears out completely, I let the flow of tears carry me away. I allowed them to carry me away to a place I hoped and prayed I'd never find myself again – emotional prison.

I thought I had been alone this whole time, until I felt two sets of arms holding me on either side of the bed. Their embrace molded to my left and right side. They did more than just physically shield me. They encapsulated my heart. Their comfort did more than warm my lady parts – they were trying to heal my soul. Believe me, they left an imprint.

My eyes fluttered open to find Chance's storytelling arms and Lucien's massive guns clenching and unclenching as if they were plotting.

I squeeze my eyes shut again, taking ahold of Lucien's arm. I want to just forget. I try to push the memory down.

"What's wrong Aurora. Talk to us." Lucien asked softly, clenching his jaw together.

"Princess?" Chance asks cocking his head to the side. I tried my best to calm myself down. It barely worked. The brothers wipe my tears away allowing me to finally speak since I wasn't so choked up anymore. "I saw him." I whisper barely loud enough for them to hear.

"Saw who kitten?" Lucien questions. Now running his thick hand down my hair.

"You know who..." Just seeing a glimpse of that monster made me want to scream, cry, scrub my body till I was bleeding. That man destroyed me in all ways possible. I'll never forgive him. Nor will I ever forget him.

He'll always be in the back of my mind. Reminding me that I'm not worth anyone's time, any of their love, I'll never be. I look down at my arms, saving all my scars in my mind, locked away for safe keeping.

"Your uncle?" I meekly nod. "He can't hurt you anymore, Aurora." Chance says in a hushed tone – only loud enough for the three of us to hear.

"Realistically, I know that... but what if you're wrong? What if he finds a way?'

"Worst case, he shows up here, we beat the ever-living shit out of him. He leaves. He won't lay a hand on you, ever again. We promise." Lucien grits his teeth as he speaks. I know he's trying to not show me his true degree of anger. But the steam that rises from the top of his head, gives him away every time.

I believe them. I do. I think they'll protect me. No -- I know they will. I lay my head on Lucien's chest snuggling up to the mammoth man. All my tears are gone, they chased them away – at least for now.

Lucien's hand pats my head gently, playing with my hair. "You've been a good girl, bambina (bambina). Hasn't she Chance?"

Chance smirks against my shoulder causing me to shudder. "She has. An exceptionally good girl."

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