4, Missing Momma

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I carefully and with purpose, get dressed, trying my best not to break down. It shouldn't affect me this way – their indifference, their only use for me is carnal. Afterall, that's the only reason they bought me, right? No emotional connection. Turn it off, Aurora. You have nothing to offer these men, besides various holes. I resigned myself to that consolation. Nothing more than a living toy.

Soon I'm fully dressed so I start to head downstairs, as soon as I smelt the cooked meal prepared for us, I thought of my mother. It smelled exactly like her cooking.

But only it's not her. I straighten right up before I enter the dining room and take my place across from them. The three of us ate in uncomfortable silence. I didn't dare to speak up. I'm too scared to even make a noise right now. "Aurora." I look up at Chance knitting my brows. "You're acting weird."

Well, I'm still fixing all the cracks. "I don't know what-" I try to be as flat as possible, no emotion, no attitude.

"You're sleeping with us tonight." Lucien barked. I only slept with them the first night I got here. It's honestly scary.

Their room is dark, like a cinderblock cell. Everything is either a pewter or black. "Why, sir?"  My stare shifts from Chance back to my plate of food. "Because I said so."

But why!!! Ugh... "Okay-" I have no right to argue.

Finishing my food at the same time as them, I stand up as their typical housekeepers grab our plates and clean up. I only do their job when the housekeepers aren't available.

Physically broken from the mind shattering, bone cracking, and furniture moving grapple – all of which I had been on my knees for, Chance carries up the stairs, onto the landing and over the threshold of their room.

Lucien closes the door behind us, Chance sits on the bed pulling me into his lap. My back presses against his chest with our legs intertwined.

I can't stop myself before I began to think about how life would've been with momma still around. I miss you mom. I miss you so much.

"Aurora. What's wrong. You've been acting strange lately." Lucien asks sternly.

Is he kidding me, now? Since when does he care how I feel? He's never once asked me how I feel about anything. Neither of them have.

I nibble on my lower lip and turn my head away from them both. I screwed my eyes shut as they welled with tears, I hate how vulnerable I am being. I hate myself for letting them see this side of me.

"Aurora talk to us. Don't keep things in. Let them out." And just like that, Niagara Falls. I don't know what it is about Chace, especially but he has this power over me that makes it over to be weak. I feel the saline fall as he lowers me mon top of his chest.

I let out a whimper into his shirt. "I miss her."

"Who do you miss, little one?" Chance's large hand cups my back and rubs it gently.

"My mom." I could barely hear myself.

"What happened to her sweetheart?" The palm of his hand is gliding up and down my back as I sob into the crook of his neck. The small inflections of his breath tickles the nape of my own neck.

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