Chapter 14. Impossible decision

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Hello everyone! How are you? I hope you're all fine, and as you can imagine, here you have the next chapter! In the last one we saw how Overanxius was taking Asterix and Getafix to Rome. Will he manage to do it or will he find some kind of obstacle in his way? To find it out, you'll have just to read. And after reading, you can leave a review, if you want. I love to hear your thoughts about this.😊

Well, I'd like to give a special thanks to Drummergirl for helping me editing this story. I'm really, really, really grateful to her, she's awesome!

Okay after say all this, here you have the next chapter of this story, I hope you all will like it!


Cacofonix ran to the cabin of Geriatrix and his wife. He found Geriatrix washing dishes with his apron on while his wife was engaged in sewing. The two were talking quietly when the bard appeared at the door. Needless to say, they were both surprised to see the blond Gaul standing there.

The bard blushed slightly when he realized the two of them were looking at him in bewilderment. But he quickly recovered from his embarrassment and proceeded to carry out the order of the village chief.

"Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Geriatrix," greeted Cacofonix kindly. He didn't want to sound rude and make the couple in front of him uncomfortable, but he knew time was money and he couldn't waste it unnecessarily.

"Good afternoon, boy. What brings you here?" Mr. Geriatrix asked as he recovered himself from the slight surprise of seeing the young bard standing there before him.

His wife also seemed surprised and since the bard appeared at the door, she put aside her sewing activities and her gaze was continuously jumping between her husband and the newcomer, waiting to see what was happening and what was the reason for this visit. Honestly, it was hard for her to understand what might lead to someone like Cacofonix visiting precisely them. It wasn't that the young bard was unpleasant to her... it was just that the musician preferred to be alone most of the time to "compose" his musical works, and his relationship with the other villagers was rather... weak. Of course, if Cacofonix met someone, he greeted them, but he didn't go to visit the other villagers often. It was simply not his usual pattern of behavior.

The blond man looked at both spouses momentarily forgetting the task that had brought him there.

"Well I..." Cacofonix began, then shook his head. No, he couldn't spend more time there than was strictly necessary. He must return to Vitalstatistix's cabin as soon as possible. So, he said to the man in the blue tunic and white pants:

"Our chief wishes to see you, Geriatrix."

The older Gaul dropped the half-washed plate and it fell into the bowl full of water, splashing drops on the apron that covered his clothes. He looked even more surprised at the younger Gaul and asked:

"Me? Why?"

The bard seemed impatient and was actually getting a little nervous, so in response he said:

"The reason... Vitalstatistix will explain it to you, but we must hurry," he rushed into the cabin and grabbed Geriatrix's sleeve urging him to go with him. The older Gaul almost stumbled over his own feet in surprise at the sudden jerk, but somehow managed to keep his balance and he said:

"Yes, yes, I'm coming."

But the bard's attitude, as well as her husband's response, didn't seem to please Mrs. Geriatrix, who immediately got up with a slight frown. She hated to feel excluded from the plans of the men of the village, and even more so if her husband was involved in them. Trying to hide the concern that had awakened within her, she said to the other two present:

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