Chapter 3. A worrying discovery

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Hello everyone! Here I bring you a new chapter of this Asterix fic, I truly hope you'll all like it. Now when I first started this story, at this point I could go through three different directions with what happened to Asterix. First, he has a child's body but keep his adult memories; second, he has both the size and the mind of a child; and the third, he has a child's body but his mind has no memories or losing them. What of those choices do you thing I went with? You can leave your opinions on your reviews, I'd love to hear your thoughts. 😊

Well, I'd like to give a special thanks to Drummergirl for helping me editing this story. I'm really, really, really grateful to her, she's awesome!

Okay after say all this, here you have the first chapter of this story, I hope you all will like it!


Getafix entered his cabin. Right now, concern for Asterix had reached unsuspected highs in the old druid's soul. Where could he be? What if something had certainly happened to him? Getafix knew well Asterix didn't make others suffer on purpose... not his family, his friends... or especially Obelix, at least not of his own free will.

During his conversation with Obelix, Getafix had tried to reassure the red-haired Gaul, assuring him Asterix would return. But being honest, at this point, the druid himself doubted that was true. If Asterix hadn't returned, it was because something must have happened to him. Surely something had happened to him.

But for the moment Getafix didn't know what to do either. Obelix had suggested to him to go to the forest himself to look for his friend, but the druid had rejected his offer. He didn't want to risk leaving the town without the protection of the great Gaul. It wasn't that he didn't trust the rest of the inhabitants. It was just that if the Romans were involved in the recent disappearance of the blond Gaul, they'd most likely expect Obelix to come looking for him. Everyone knew they were inseparable, and if that happened, then the town would be left without one of its greatest pillars of protection.

To calm, at least temporarily, the menhir rock-cutter's mind, Getafix had suggested that if Asterix had not yet returned by the afternoon, then they would speak to Vitalstatistix about what should they do next.

For his part, and to calm his own growing nervousness state, Getafix decided to continue with the potion he had been working on. That would at least help release some of the tension he was undergoing, he thought. Getafix took down the canteen and opened it to pour its contents into a basin, but when the liquid began to fall into the container, Getafix's eyes opened in shock. This color... this color was like the magic potion! How could this be? The druid was certain that his potion was very different in color from the concoction that granted superhuman strength, so what was going on? Stunned, he looked at the green canteen that was still in his hands...

At that precise moment, Getafix could almost feel his heart stop. In addition, the old druid felt as if a lightning bolt had cut him in two, because suddenly, a memory came to his mind. He had put the magic potion for Asterix in that canteen, the green one. And his new potion in the other one. That meant... when Asterix showed up just hours before in search of the brew, he mistakenly gave him the wrong canteen! What a fool! How could he have done such a thing? Getafix reached a new level of concern that he would never have believed possible when he realized that Asterix's disappearance could be due to his negligence.

Realizing his terrible confusion, Getafix emerged as fast as he could from his cabin, his red cloak and long beard swaying in the rushing wind. With the maximum speed his legs allowed him, he made his way to the chief's cabin. He had to report what he had just discovered immediately, for in many ways Asterix's life could depend on it.

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