Chapter 25. Ave Caesar

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Hello everyone! First of all, I hope all those who celebrate Easter had a very Happy Easter! Secondly, like every week, here I bring you a new chapter of this Asterix story. Honestly, I don't really know what to say apart of that I hope you'll enjoy it. Oh and as always, if you're enjoying this story, please, can you leave a review? Just if you want. I love to hear your thoughts about this. 😊

Well, I'd like to give a special thanks to Drummergirl for helping me editing this story. I'm really, really, really grateful to her, she's awesome!

Okay after say all this, here you have the next chapter of this story, I hope you all will like it!


The rattling of the chariot seemed to go on an infinite period of time, but Asterix didn't care about that. He didn't want to get to Rome. He didn't want to go there. The little Gaul had realized something had happened to his kidnapper. Once again, he was acting in that cold and haughty way he had used while they were still in Gaul, and Asterix didn't understand it. He had believed the Roman really cared for him... that he cared for him and behaved like... like a friend. But something had changed, and the fearsome Roman had returned, harsher and crueler than before.

Perhaps he had done something to enrage the Roman? But Asterix wasn't aware of having done anything wrong. He had only worried about that man when he saw him dejectedly looking at nothing in particular. His only intention had been to help, nothing more.

But now Asterix didn't know what to think of that man. He didn't know what to say to him, by Tutatis. He didn't even know if he should speak to him. The last time he had looked at him, the senator returned his gaze with a wicked smile, as if he was glad to see him scared again. Fortunately for the boy, his fear of the senator wasn't as strong as when he caught him the first time, and that was thanks to Dogmatix.

Yes, his best friend's pet had made him see that there were those who cared about him, and gave him hope that Obelix would come for him. The little puppy made him understand his best friend wouldn't abandon him... that he wouldn't leave him in the hands of that bad man... he was sure Obelix loved him. That was all Asterix needed to know.

"Oh, we're finally entering Rome."

Asterix's heart pounded at those words and a new level of fear invaded him completely. If he didn't do something soon, he would be a hostage of Caesar himself, and then the village... his home... would be doomed. Fortunately, when he arrived in Rome, the promise he had made to that Roman was no longer valid, because the boy had promised to behave and not try to escape until they reached Rome, and since they had reached Rome, now he could try to escape.

The Gaul boy was so engrossed in thinking he could finally escape the clutches of that Roman that he was surprised when the man spoke again:

"Well, boy, now we will go to Caesar's palace."

Asterix's breathing quickened a bit at those words. He didn't want to see Julius Caesar. He didn't want to be here. He needed to escape as soon as possible if he wanted to protect the village! For the first time, the blond Gaul was terrified – not for himself, but for all the villagers. This was all his fault... all because of his uselessness. He had to do everything possible to protect his people, since it was he who had put them in danger.

Unbidden by him, Fulliautomatix's words resounded once more in his head: "Asterix is too short to do anything right, he's useless." Those words had hurt him a lot when the blacksmith's son spoke them, but now he realized they were true, each and every one of them. His uselessness, his short stature... he was nothing more than a small and useless human being... someone who, if he didn't exist, would probably not be missed. Everyone would be better off without him.

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