Chapter 7. Everything will be fine, you'll see

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Hello everyone! Here I bring you a new chapter of this Asterix fic, Poor Asterix, he's truly confused with all what's going on to him, but has had him finished getting news? Okay, probably you all guess not, and you're right, so, let's see what else is going Asterix to discover now. Also, in this chapter there's a reference from another comic, will you be able to find out what am I talking about? I hope you'll like it! 😊

Well, I'd like to give a special thanks to Drummergirl for helping me editing this story. I'm really, really, really grateful to her, she's awesome!

Okay after say all this, here you have the fifth chapter of this story, I hope you all will like it!


It was dawn in Totorum's camp and Overanxius was furious, filled with rage he could barely contain. How could this be? A whole camp ruined because of some... mustachioed savages! And on top of that, his prisoner – the one who was going to be the key to these unfortunate people submitting once and for all to the power of Rome – had escaped. Why were the gods so cruel?

The senator was pacing the Centurion's tent, which seemed to be the only one left intact by the Gauls' destructive force. The legionaries had given it to him to sleep there when he decided to stay the night in Totorum's camp. The envoy from Rome had practically not slept all night, as indicated by the dark circles under his eyes, and also, the stormy night that had just passed did nothing to help his situation. By Saturn, how could the situation have been so complicated?

But despite all these calamities, Caesar's envoy wasn't willing to leave Armorica or Gaul without that child, and didn't care what it would cost. In the end he'd have him back in his possession, and take him to Julius Caesar as a present.

This thought – imagining him presenting himself triumphantly before the Emperor of Rome with a hostage that could mean the surrender of the people who had been the thorn in the side of the Empire – caused a sinister smile to appear on Overanxius' face. Yes, very soon all his dreams would come true... all thanks to a little Gaul boy.

With new hope, the Roman senator left the tent only to be greeted with the sad vision of a ruined camp being rebuilt. Does this happen every time the Gauls attack? The man asked himself. To be honest, it was hard to believe that a fortified camp like this could have been reduced to dust so suddenly.

According to what the legionaries had told him, it was the pet of one of the Gauls that had led the entire village to the boy. He had also investigated a bit and now knew that the dog's owner didn't need to take magic potion to fight, because for some reason, he possessed the superhuman strength at all times that magic potion confers. So, unlike the rest of the village, it wasn't necessary for him to drink this substance. If that was true, it would be difficult to get ahold of the Gaul that interested him, especially knowing both Gauls were inseparable friends.

He also knew the druid was in charge of preparing the potion. Upon discovering that, he thought of kidnapping the druid to force him to make the magic potion for them, or at least prevent the rest of his village from having access to that potion. But his joy fell knowing others had already tried such a plan, several times, and had always failed. But as far as Overanxius knew, all those failures were due to the fact that even though they lacked their druid, the villagers still had Asterix. Yes, that short blond Gaul was able to supplement the druid's absence with his cunning and determination, and even rescue his friend on all occasions when the old bearded man was kidnapped. It was all because of the blond warrior who watched over the safety of the entire village, and that naturally included the druid...

But now, the warrior was nothing more than a helpless child... if they captured the druid, the rest of the town would have no magic potion, and without potion, and with continuous attacks, the fat Gaul wouldn't be enough to fight against all of them. So, in the midst of confusion and chaos, he could send a small patrol to take his prize! It was the perfect plan! Without his druid, and without the cunning of the blond warrior, the rest of the village couldn't defend themselves well enough from Roman attacks... not to prevent the capture of Asterix.

Getafix's mistakeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora