Chapter 24. Finally in Rome

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Hello everyone! One week more, here I bring you a new chapter of this story. When I first started this story, I never imagined I would give to Overanxius a deep development, but as much I was writing him, it seemed the right thing to do with him. Maybe can be a little forced, and for that reason I gave an explanation that will appear in this chapter. I hope you'll like it. Also, as always, if you're enjoying this story, please, can you leave a review? Just if you want. I love to hear your thoughts about this.😊

Well, I'd like to give a special thanks to Drummergirl for helping me editing this story. I'm really, really, really grateful to her, she's awesome!

Okay after say all this, here you have the next chapter of this story, I hope you all will like it!


The first night that Obelix, Justforkix and Aba spent in the capital of the empire, they stayed in an inn on the outskirts of the city. But with the sunrise early in the morning, the three said their goodbyes to the innkeeper and headed for the great city. As they entered and walked through its streets, Justfokix and Aba's eyes went wide.

"Wow, by Thor... to think I was complaining about the people in Lutetia and Avaricum... those cities are nothing compared to this one!" Aba said in an astonished voice as she looked at the crowd that spread out before her.

Justforkix looked at his wife with a smile before answering:

"You're right, and not just because of the people. Look at the buildings! They are so tall... and they are made entirely of stone! Even the ceilings! By Tutatis, how did they do it so they don't fall on them?"

Aba gave a slight laugh before speaking again:

"You are right, Justforkix... but it impresses me more that there are so many people together here! In my hometown, there weren't nearly as many of us. I can't even see the other side of the city!"

Obelix smiled as he looked at the young couple. He honestly wasn't surprised by his friend's reactions. Those reactions were absolutely natural, because he felt the same way the first time he was in Rome.

Rome was truly a bustling city, but Obelix would never get used to that kind of life. No, too much noise, too many people... life in the village was a hundred times better for him. Looking around, the red-haired Gaul saw the people walking from one side to the other, without greeting each other, as if they didn't know each other... and it was most likely that they didn't know each other... a situation totally opposite to that of the village. Everyone knew each other there. Everyone greeted each other. Everyone was friends... another reason why he preferred life in the village. Walking without greeting anyone was at the very least... sad.

Upon their arrival in the capital of the empire, the trio of travelers, led by Obelix, had decided to first seek accommodation in case they spent more than one night in the city, which was most likely. Naturally, Obelix directed them to the Gaul restaurant that belonged to Instantmix, where he and Asterix had once gone when the Romans took Cacofonix to offer him as a present to Caesar. Obelix couldn't help but feel there was a certain similarity between what had happened that time and what was happening now, but it was also different. Caesar knew who Asterix was, and knew very well all the times he had destroyed Julius' plans to destroy his home. So what would the Emperor of Rome do when he learned this child being brought to him was in fact the warrior who had defeated him so many times? Obelix was scared by the very idea of seeing his best friend, especially in his current state, being thrown into a dark cell, or worse, being thrown as food to the lions in the arena. That would be devastating...

No. He couldn't think that way, he had to believe they were going to find Asterix. He had to believe they could rescue him, and take him home again where he would be safe... that Getafix would find a way to turn him back to his real age. They still had time, since... according to Justforkix, it was highly unlikely this Roman had reached Rome, which gave them a margin they couldn't waste. The young Gaul was the one who suggested looking for accommodations, and naturally Obelix, being the one who had been to Rome before, was the one to ask. Obelix's mind immediately came to the aforementioned Gaul restaurant, a place where he also knew they could get reliable information in case they needed it.

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