Park With Monika, Reading With Natsuki & Protecting Yuri

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WallDra went down the hallway and made his way to the stairway. He was walking down the stairs and then stopped to think about Sayori and why she left without telling him.

WallDra: 'That's not like Sayori to just leave without even letting me know. We've walked home together for the past few days after all.'

He took his cigarette pack out and took a cigarette out of the pack then lit it up and proceeded to smoke it.

WallDra: 'I'll talk with her once I get home. Hopefully, she is unwell and she's not upset or sad, I'd hate to see my best mate upset.'

The door leading to the hallway above opened and Yuri came down the stairs. WallDra turned his head to see her and she walked past him without even saying a word.

WallDra: "Yuri? Is something the matter?"

She didn't acknowledge him and just kept walking down the stairs and walked out of sight of him.

WallDra: 'Great, now she's avoiding me. What is up with all the girls avoiding me now? It's like I got the Bubonic fucking Plague.'

He finished his cigarette and waved the smoke away. He pulled his phone out and started to call Sayori.

WallDra: 'Might as well call her. I'm worried that something's wrong here and it's no illness because she looked fine in the Club.'

The phone kept calling then Sayori's voicemail came on.

Sayori: "Hi! This is Sayori! I'm not on my phone right now because I'm eating snacks or something, ehehe~ Leave a message and I'll call you back!"

WallDra smiled from hearing her voicemail which was new to him since whenever he called Sayori, it was almost instantly that she'd answer it. He hangs up the call and walks down the stairs.

WallDra: 'Yup, something is wrong here.'

Monika: "Oh hello there, WallDra! I thought you would've gone home by now."

He turned around and saw Monika standing behind him with a smile on her face.

WallDra: "Eh? Oh right, I've just been worried about Sayori because she would've said something to me and would've let me know if she was ready to go."

Monika: "No need to worry about her! She is old enough to look after herself, right?"

WallDra: "I mean... Yeah, I guess so. But I need to know for sure."

Monika walked to him and patted his shoulder.

Monika: "I'm positively sure that Sayori will feel better tomorrow so try not to worry."

WallDra: 'Why is she trying to persuade me not to check on Sayori. Am I being too overprotective of her? I have been acting like an older brother to her.'

Monika clapped her hands in front of his face. WallDra jumped and fell backwards down the stairs, but Monika barely caught him by the collar of his shirt whilst she held onto the bannister tightly.

Monika: "Close call there!"

WallDra: "I know, good thinking on your part, but maybe keep the Patty Cake off of the stairs so I don't end up crippled."

Monika smiled and pulled him back towards her which led to him falling on top of her, his face in her face.

Monika: "My... Quite a sticky situation we have here~"

WallDra gets up and rubs the back of his neck. Monika shoots him a smile, doing her unusual pose.

Monika: "I hope that was a pen in your pocket~"

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