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The day started out fairly normal, it was bright outside, which meant it signalled yet another boring school day...

WallDra's alarm begins to beep loudly.

WallDra: 'There it is... That damn alarm going off, signalling yet another day at boredom high school.'

He pounds with his fist, silencing it. He groans like a zombie before he rolls on his side again.

It wasn't long till he hears footsteps come up the stairs and they reach just outside WallDra's bedroom door. He knew it was his Uncle Edward or Eddie as he and many others call him, standing outside with a not so pleased look on his. But this was a normal routine for them, so Eddie didn't get too annoyed from this.

Eddie: "Hey, WallDra!"

Despite living here for so long, his Yorkshire accent is still very much the same.

Eddie: "It's time to get up, son! I made breakfast for the two of us! So get showered, dressed, and downstairs pronto, okay?"

Eddie was waiting for a reply, but WallDra didn't answer. He hears him sigh, and he goes back downstairs, hoping that WallDra will come down in a few minutes or so.

WallDra: 'I don't want my breakfast to get cold.'

He sighs deeply.

WallDra: 'Ugh, I fucking hate going to school, I don't even learn anything anyway... I'd be better off not going...'

WallDra sighs to himself again and rubs his eyes. He sits up, to the bathroom. He begins his morning routine while trying to remind himself that today wouldn't be boring.

WallDra: 'Don't let today be yet another boring day... Oh, who am I kidding? Of course it'll be another boring day since it's the same as every other school day past, present and future.'

School has always been the same though. Rough and uninteresting. WallDra much prefers to cause trouble.

Eddie: "WallDra! Are you even out of your bed yet? I'm waiting for you to get down here and eat your breakfast! You don't want it to get cold."

WallDra sighs again and finishes up in the bathroom. He heads back to his bedroom and grabs his uniform from the closet. He rolls his eyes as he glances at the dull, lifeless black and grey colours of the uniform. He never really liked wearing this or any uniform for that matter. It's akin to wearing a prison uniform, coming with it's own set of rules and whatnot.

WallDra: 'I always hated the fact that I'm forced to wear this... garbage. Like honestly, why does the dress code have to be this strict?'

WallDra: "I swear if I have to wear this fucking uniform for another day, I'm gonna put some poor bastard in the ground."

Eddie: "Come on, WallDra!"

Eddie was shouting on him again. Not because he'll be late for school since he knows that he's wasting his time about telling WallDra to not be late, but because of breakfast. WallDra put his uniform on and groans after looks at it.

WallDra: "Fucking hell... I look like a posh prick dressed up like this. It's like I'm going to some damn tea party later on or something."

WallDra chuckles and scoffs as he stares at his reflection in the mirror. He hears the door open and he looks over his shoulder to see Eddie standing there with a shit-eating grin on his face.

Eddie: "Perhaps so, but the problem is that you would most likely be kicked out of said tea party for attacking someone by chucking boiling tea in their faces or smashing a teapot over their head."

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