Heartbreak, The Festival With Yuri & The Confession

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The alarm beeped loudly. WallDra groaned and slammed his hand down onto it. Not wanting to get up, he instead chose to lay there face down.

WallDra: 'I really don't want to get up right now.'

The memory of Sayori's outburst yesterday flooded into his mind, and he instantly felt regret. Regret that he had upset her to warrant that reaction.

WallDra: 'What could I have done though? Lying to her would've made her feel worse than she already was, and I can't lie to her just to make her feel better. I should go over there and see if she's okay... That is if she'll even want to talk to me, because from how she was yesterday? I doubt she would even want to have any kind of interaction with me again...'

His bedroom door opened slowly.

Eddie: "WallDra, how come you're not up yet? Thought you wanted to go to the Festival today. What's wrong?"

He sat up and looked up at Eddie.

WallDra: "I do want to go today, just wanted to lay here for a bit before getting ready."

Eddie: "Well you don't want to be late-- What's wrong? You look bothered by something."

WallDra: 'Shit... I can't tell him about what happened yesterday or say anything about Sayori's depression. I did make a promise to her after all. Just got to keep it cool.'

WallDra: "Oh, it's nothing... nothing at all."

Eddie: "I can tell when you're bothered by something by now so what is it?"

WallDra: "The Festival, that's all."

Eddie chuckled. WallDra raised his eyebrow in confusion.

WallDra: "What's so funny about that?"

Eddie: "Why are you bothered about the Festival for?"

WallDra: "Meh, it's not important. Probably nervous about how our event will go."

Eddie: "You shouldn't have to worry about a thing though! You have Monika, Natsuki, Yuri and Sayori there so I doubt you'll have any problems. Oh and that reminds me! You need to take the banner and cupcakes with you."

WallDra: "Aren't you going to help me carry them?"

Eddie: "I have to go to work soon, I promised my superiors that I'd return to work today."

WallDra: "Right then. Is breakfast made at least? I didn't eat anything yesterday."

Eddie: "Of course! Wait, how come you didn't eat anything yesterday?"

WallDra: "Just didn't have an appetite, that's all. What did you make?"

Eddie: "An English Breakfast, the best of gear. I figured that if I'm going to return to work today, I better do it with a full stomach, so I made that this morning."

WallDra: "Aw, brilliant! I'll get washed, and all of that before I go down for it."

Eddie: "Don't take too long. You can't eat an English Breakfast when it's cold."

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