A Shocking Discovery

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After the shocking sight of Veronika actually being a human being for once and checking in on someone she hates, WallDra walked into Sayori's room and sat down next to her. Then his eyes spot something sitting on the table next to Sayori's bed... A bouquet of daisies, Sayori's favourite flower.

WallDra: 'Did Veronika leave those... No, she couldn't have... right?'

Eager to see who left them, he stood up from his chair and walked over to the bouquet. But there was no name, except the words 'Get well soon, Sayori' was wrote on a card attached to the bouquet.

WallDra: 'Well... That's not Eddie's handwriting, so maybe a nurse put them in here? Though they wouldn't leave a get well soon card with it, right? Well, the curiosity is killing me so I'll just go ask the receptionist if Veronika came in with flowers for Sayori.'

He leaves the room and bumps into a nurse who was just about to go into Sayori's room.

Nurse: "Oh, sorry, young man!"

WallDra: "It's fine."

He walked away but stopped when the nurse put her hand on his arm.

Nurse: "You look familiar... Oh! You're Edward's nephew!"

He turns around and nods at the nurse.

WallDra: "Yeah, that's me."

Nurse: "So, that must be your friend in there then... Edward looked awful after she was brought in here, took him a while to recover. He's never like that normally, but I can't really blame him since he told me that he treats her like she's his own daughter."

She looks at Sayori's room.

Nurse: "Poor dear... I wonder what was going through her head for her to do something silly like that."

WallDra: "I've been asking that myself... Say, do you know who put those bouquet of daisies in her room?"

Nurse: "Of course! It was this nice young lady that dropped them off, she even spent a while in Sayori's room. Said she was a friend of hers and wanted to see how Sayori was doing."

WallDra: "This... 'young lady' you're speaking of. Her name wasn't... Veronika, right?"

The nurse shrugged her shoulders.

Nurse: "No idea, but she was wearing the same uniform as you."

WallDra: 'Veronika... dropped flowers off for Sayori... How did she find out about Sayori being in here anyway? I only told her that I was going to the hospital to see Eddie. I never even mentioned anything about Sayori.'

WallDra: "One more thing..."

Nurse: "Yes?"

WallDra: "Actually two. Do you know where Eddie is and did the young lady say anything else?"

Nurse: "Um... I think Edward's still working right now, not too sure though. And she was asking what happened to her friend."

WallDra: "You didn't say anything, right?"

Nurse: "No, I was told by Edward specifically that if anyone comes in asking about Sayori then I'm not to tell them a thing. Was confused by it but I obliged and kept quiet."

WallDra: 'Eddie, you smart son of a bitch... Good thinking.'

Nurse: "I'm a little confused about all of this however..."

WallDra: "It's a long story... And frankly, I've had one hell of a day today so I'm not in the long story telling mood."

Nurse: "I know the feeling. Anyway... I shouldn't dawdle about."

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