Progress Made, Angry Parents & Monika's Gone Insane?

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Yuri: "Wallace, are you awake?"

His eyes crack open and he turns to look at Yuri. She wasn't looking or facing him, but was looking down instead.

WallDra: "Yeah... I'm awake. What's up and what time is it right now?"

Yuri: "I just wanted to talk to you about something and it's still late at night."

WallDra sits himself up.

WallDra: "Talk about what?"

Yuri: "N-Nevermind... It can wait till morning. I'm sorry for waking you."

WallDra: "Hey..."

He brings his hand to her face and turns her head to face him.

WallDra: "Don't be afraid to tell me anything that bothers you, okay? I'm here for you like I said."

Yuri sighs and looked back down again.

Yuri: "Can I tell you tomorrow?"

WallDra: "Sure, if you want to that is."

Yuri: "I'm... I'm sure."

WallDra: "Right then. Good night, Yuri..."

He kisses her on the cheek before laying back down again and falling asleep. The alarm beeps and his eyes crack open. He sits himself up and stretches.

WallDra: 'Yuri's not in bed. She must be in the bathroom or making breakfast downstairs.'

He gets out of bed and spots his uniform hanging up on the closet door. It's already been cleaned and washed for the day. He goes over to it but stops.

WallDra: 'Bad idea to put this on without showering.'

He walks to the bathroom and opens it to find it empty. He spots some blood spots around the sink, a morbid reminder of what he saw Yuri do yesterday. He shakes the thoughts away and locks the door before turning the shower on. He steps in and groans as the hot water hits his body.

WallDra: 'That feels amazing...'

He looks around the shower for bodywash and spots various shampoos and conditioners. He picks one of the shampoo bottles up and puts some of its contents onto his hair, rubbing it in. A scent of lavender comes from it.

WallDra: 'No wonder her hair is so soft and smells great.'

He picks one of the body washes up and applies it. He notices that Yuri's shower is a lot bigger than his own.

WallDra: 'Could fit two people in this--'

He sniggers and his face reddens from the thought of him and Yuri showering together.

WallDra: 'Nah... No way she'd want us to shower together. I might've seen her in her underwear, but that's probably as far as it goes for the time being. Maybe when we've dated for months on end that she'll let me see more-- Cut it out, WallDra! First time being in Yuri's house and using her shower and you're already thinking about wanting to see her naked. Anyway... She's just came out of her shell so asking for requests like that will make her retreat back into it. And you love Yuri for who she is, not what she is.'

After washing the soap off, he gets out of the shower and dries himself with a towel. He gets dressed and goes into the bedroom. He walks in and puts his uniform on before going downstairs. Sizzling comes from the kitchen and a wonderful smell fills the air.

WallDra: "What's that you're making, Yuri?"

She turns her head slightly to look at him.

Yuri: "I'm making pancakes for us."

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