Walking Yuri Home

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WallDra walked out from the Clubroom and began to make his way to the stairwell. As soon as he made a descend, he heard the doors open from the top but thought nothing of it since it was time to leave anyway.

WallDra: 'I don't know why I did that. Telling them that the poem I wrote was Yuri's and that I stole it from her desk. But I'm sure glad it worked.'

He hears footsteps from behind.

WallDra: 'That's probably Natsuki wanting to have a go at me."

He turn around to tell her off.

WallDra: "Look, whatever you have to say, can it wait till tomorrow?!"

The footsteps stopped abruptly and that person who was making their descent down the stairs turned out to be Yuri. She was playing with her hair and looking to the side. WallDra covered his mouth, unable to believe that he shouted at Yuri like that.

WallDra: "Y-Yuri? I'm sorry, I thought you were Natsuki for a moment. I didn't--"

Yuri: "Don't... apologise..."

They made their way outside and said nothing to one another until WallDra decided to break the awkward silence.

WallDra: "So... What were you reading today?"

Yuri pulled the book from her bag and showed it to WallDra, it was Portrait of Markov.

WallDra: "Only own the one book I take it?"

WallDra chuckled but Yuri shook her head and placed it back into her bag.

WallDra: 'She's being awfully quiet, hope I didn't scare her with my shouting.'

WallDra: "Shall I walk you home or can you manage yourself?"

Yuri shook her head. WallDra gave her a puzzled look.

WallDra: "I know that you're a woman with few words, but I'm gonna need a more specific answer than a nod or a shake of the head."

Yuri started to sniffle and she stopped walking. WallDra stopped too.

WallDra: 'Think I did yell a little loud for her liking.'

WallDra: "Yuri, look at me for a minute, okay?"

She began to walk away, but WallDra held her arm to stop her.

Yuri: "Wallace... Please let me... Go..."

WallDra: "Please tell me what's wrong. I'm your friend, remember?"

Yuri: "I can't... Take it... Anymore..."

WallDra: "Take what?"

Yuri started to sob softly and pulled away from WallDra's grip.

WallDra: "Come on, let's sit down for a moment or two."

He led Yuri to a bench underneath a Sakura tree and sat down with her. Her sobs were now noticeably louder so he did his best to soothe her.

WallDra: "It's okay, Yuri... I'm not mad at you."

Despite her hair hiding the majority of her face, her right eye was visible and staring at WallDra.

WallDra: "You feeling a little bit better now? Hm?"

She sighed softly and dried her eyes with her sleeves. Her head looked up at the branches of the Sakura tree.

WallDra: "Beautiful trees, aren't they?"

Yuri then pulled a sheet of paper out from her bag and handed it to WallDra. He looked confused about what it was, then saw that it was his poem.

WallDra: "Oh no, Yuri... I-I... wanted to..."

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