Kicking The Habit, Romantic Moment With Yuri & Welcome Back Monika

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4 Months Later...

It's been 4 months now since Monika was put into the psychiatric hospital, and when Sayori first woke up from her coma. Things kind of went from bad and weird to great in that short time span. The day after Sayori awoke, Natsuki took in cupcakes for her as she had promised her and we weren't at all surprised when Sayori practically mashed one into her face. WallDra and everyone else had theirs though, and he thought they still tasted as good as ever. Yuri finally tried one of Natsuki's cupcakes, and she's a fan of them now, though Natsuki had expected WallDra to feed her the cupcake like he had done with the chocolate.

WallDra's relationship with Yuri has been going extremely well and they got closer as the time went by, plus Yuri's not much of an introvert now when it comes to having a moment with WallDra. They went on dates together like going to restaurants, cafes, the park to their spot, and even purchased gifts for each other. Despite getting this close, their relationship didn't get intimate as Yuri wasn't ready for that kind of thing. WallDra was accepting of this of course, and they just stuck to kissing, hugging and sleeping in the same bed together. They enjoyed reading together as always even if they weren't going to be doing it in the club for a long while. As for Yuri's cutting? She looked into getting help for it, but couldn't do it as it was far too uncomfortable for her. WallDra understood and just tried to keep her from cutting herself again.

As for her relationship with Natsuki? Natsuki's been spending days out with her. While WallDra couldn't always go out with them on the account of it being in Natsuki's words a 'Girl's Day/Night Out.' He didn't mind because seeing them getting along was nice.

Sayori got out of hospital after 3 months and returned to school albeit not feeling the best, but still good enough to return. Their club was managing well without Monika. But, instead of continuing to write poems all of the time. They switched it up and did book readings as well as manga readings to appease Natsuki since she wouldn't shut up about wanting to include manga more into the club's activities. Reviews on both books, poems and manga were an occurrence as well. Unfortunately, Veronika went back on her word and proceeded to harass them from time to time. Which wasn't a big surprise, but WallDra let them all know about Veronika's hospital visits since there wasn't any point in keeping that a secret anymore.

Eddie visited Monika at the psychiatric hospital due to having pity on her and kept both her and the club updated on what's been going with each other. Even though Sayori and Yuri have forgiven her for what's she done and WallDra's somewhat forgiven her, Natsuki still doesn't want Monika back into the club again and claims that everything's going well without her.

At The Club...

Sayori: "Okie dokie, every-body! What did you think about today's book?"

WallDra: "It was pretty good. I haven't heard of Truman Capote up until now."

Yuri: "It was rather exceptional. I only until recently came across the book, In Cold Blood, in the attic of my home. Sitting up there, just accumulating all that dust... It may have belonged to one of my parents years ago or belonged to a previous occupant."

Natsuki: "Attics get dusty, what did you expect? The book just sitting on some clean white cloth with roses on top of it?"

Yuri: "I wasn't trying to say that I didn't expect it to happen. I was saying that it's not a nice sight to see any book looking like that. How would you react if you saw one of your mangas in such a condition?"

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