Moments With Yuri, Sayonara Knives & Toff Territory

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I do apologise for this long wait, I have been busy with creating the mod for this, and I got writer's block which has made updating this pretty difficult. So, it's as great for me as it's great for you to see the next chapter published. Do enjoy ~ ^_^

Yuri's alarm goes off, and WallDra reaches over to turn it off only to feel her hand on it as well. They end up turning it off together, and WallDra pulls his hand away. He lies back down again, wrapping both his arms around Yuri's waist.

WallDra: "You know something?"

Yuri: "Hm?"

WallDra: "I don't feel like getting up today."

Yuri: "We have to, Wallace. We have quite the busy weekend ahead of us."

WallDra: "I know we do, but I just want to lie in with you... Just for today..."

Yuri giggles, and WallDra smiles at the pleasant noise.

WallDra: "Then could we at least lie in for a little while longer?"

Yuri: "Just a while and then we get up."

WallDra: "Mmmm... Deal."

He sighs happily, and pulls Yuri closer to him. That 'while longer' passes, and Yuri gets out of bed. WallDra joins her and they make the bed together before going to the bathroom. Yuri stands outside as WallDra goes into the bathroom. But, he stops and looks back at her.

WallDra: "Is something wrong?"

Yuri: "I'll wait till you've finished in there..."

WallDra: "How come?"

Yuri looks away and fidgets with her hair.

Yuri: "I have to respect your privacy."

WallDra: "Privacy? We've been together for a few months or so. It's not like we've got to hide anything from each other."

Yuri: "N-Not that... it's a problem... I just--"

WallDra: "No, I get it and it's okay... You do what you're comfortable with and I'll be behind you on it. Not literally, but you know what I mean."

Yuri: "T-Thank you for...understanding, Wallace. It must be frustrating when I do this."

WallDra: "It doesn't frustrate me. I understand if you feel uncomfortable about certain things to do in this relationship. So, do you want to use the bathroom first or shall I use it?"

Yuri: "You can use it first, I'll wait."

WallDra: "Alright then."

He kisses her on the cheek and enters the bathroom. He finishes up and steps out to let Yuri in to use it.

WallDra: "There you go. I'll head back into the bedroom to wait for you."

She nods and goes into the bathroom. He walks back into the bedroom and changes into his outfit for the day. His phone starts to ring from somewhere. He looks around, searching everywhere where the sound may come from.

WallDra: 'Where did I put that? Oh, it's in the pocket of my blazer.'

He takes his phone out from there, quickly answering it.

WallDra: "Hello?"

Eddie: "Hey, WallDra."

WallDra: "Hey, Eddie."

Eddie: "How's everything going on over there and more importantly, how was your night?"

WallDra: "How was my night? It went... well. Sort of... I found Yuri cutting herself again..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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