Sayori's Depression, Day Out With Yuri & Poem Recital

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WallDra: "It's not a date. But she did ask me if we could go out together tomorrow."

Eddie: "Then it's definitely a date. Don't know how you're oblivious to the fact that it's a date."

WallDra: "Both are unrelated and we're just friends."

Eddie: "Okay then... It's not a date. I totally understand now... Have fun with your not a date tomorrow then."

He smiled, ruffling WallDra's hair which caused him to quickly fix it.

Eddie: "But in all seriousness, how did everything go?"

WallDra: "I already told you that everything went well. While we're talking about this, what about you and Natsuki? How did everything go with you two?"

Eddie: "For the most part, it went alright. Except the part when she dropped the flour and when I reached out to reassure her that everything was okay, she flinched like I was about to do her harm."

WallDra: "That was a little weird and I saw all of it go down. Any idea why she'd flinch?"

Eddie: "You were watching?"

WallDra: "Yeah, only for a bit before I had to go back upstairs to Yuri."

Eddie: "Oh, alright then. And no, I don't know why she flinched. I asked her about it afterwards and she dodged the question entirely. Struck me as weird when she did..."

WallDra: "It does sounds a bit weird to me."

Eddie: "But she must've felt embarrassed about flinching over something like that."

WallDra: "Funny that she'd feel embarrassed about flinching and yet she hugged you for not messing up her cupcakes."

Eddie: "That's just her thanks."

WallDra: "Natsuki's not the kind of person to say thanks, even more so by hugging someone to say it. She's a lot different at school, she tried to get me to attack a few people from that Debate Club because they threw her manga onto the floor. Plus she's been hostile towards me a couple of times."

Eddie chuckled while shaking his head.

Eddie: "They must want to have a problem with anyone that they come across. And Natsuki would've been upset because her property was damaged by the likes of them."

WallDra: "But here's the thing... Her manga wasn't even damaged. I mean sure, it was a little dirty but not exactly a reason to warrant that kind of response."

Eddie: "It was still thrown onto the ground and anyone would've gotten mad over that happened. As for Natsuki being hostile towards you? Uh well... That's normal at this point, you've made a lot of enemies remember."

WallDra: "I mean, yeah, but that doesn't answer our question to why she flinched."

Eddie shrugs.

Eddie: "Only thing I can think of is that she was scared that I was going to discipline her for knocking the flour off of the counter. It might sound like a unusual assumption to make, but that's what I assume from what I saw."

WallDra snorts, chuckling at Eddie's assumption. Eddie raised his eyebrow at it.

Eddie: "What's so funny?"

WallDra: "I can't imagine or even comprehend Natsuki of all people being scared about discipline over fallen flour. Like she's that kind of girl who doesn't take crap from literally anyone, not even from you."

Eddie: "Well from the time I've spent in her company? She doesn't sound like the girl you're describing and I'm only saying that because of the look in her eyes when she flinched..."

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