Know Your Enimies

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//AN// Hey there guys!!! Merry Christmas!!! Here's your present, an update!!! It's gonna start off in Ryder's POV, alright? Okay, here I go!!

I looked over to see if she was still asleep- she was. I sighed. This was stupid, and I still wasn't sure why I was doing it. Makayla probably wouldn't care, either... Would she?

I came to a conclusion- Yes, it was stupid, yes I would look like a sentimental idiot, yes Makayla wouldn't really care- but no, that wasn't going to stop me.

I stood up and brushed the dirt off of my clothes. Then I checked how much money we had left- $98. It sounds like a lot, but not when you're going to live off of it for who knows how long.

I took eight dollars, figuring we wouldn't break 90 that way.

I made my way out of the forest, keeping to the shadows. I finally got to a city and began looking for a bakery. It was hard to find one that was open this early, and when I did I was pretty sure Makayla would be waking up soon.

I made my order quickly, and went off to find my last destination, hoping the six dollars I had left was enough.

All around me the town was starting to come alive, there were people on their way to work cussing out traffic lights, people eating breakfast on benches, mothers walking their children to daycare.

They all got to be normal, while I went around getting things for my... Acquaintance after being locked in a stupid GYM for three days with said Acquaintance.

I kicked a can and watched it go across the street. It slammed into a wall and cracked in half, just as I got to my destination.

//Mini AN// Yes, I am aware it was very mysterious and such. No, you aren't supposed to know what's going on, not yet anyway. CHARACTER SWITCH!!! Here's Makayla! Oh, and there's a time skip too!! For about half an hour. Here I go, then. 

//Mini AN-End-//

"Makaaaaylaaaa!! Get up!!"

I didn't even open my eyes, I just layed there and tried to pretend I was still asleep.

"Fine then. I'll eat it on my own." I heard a voice huff, and I shot up, eyes open.

Ryder sat there, an annoyed and tired expression on his face. In one of his hands, he held a huge cupcake.

"Happy birthday, Makayla." he said, holding out the cupcake. He looked a bit embarresed, but I was too surprised to say anything.

"How did you... Know?" I asked, taking the pastry from him and staring at it.

"Um... Know your enimies?" He offered.

I cracked a smile, and Ryder turned slightly red and turned around, almost looking a bit panicked. "W-well, I got you a present, and even though it's not really much, it's your birthday and you're here helping me so I had to get you something, even if we're really low on money." He rambled. "So... Um... Just take it." Then he held out a box that looked like a kindergardener with a tape obsession had wrapped it, but it was nice all the same.

I took it carefully, then tore open the paper, suddenly stopping dead in my tracks.

In my lap sat a sketchbook, pencils and colored pencils. I just stared at it without a word.

Ryder looked dissapointed at my expression, and he began a frantic explanation. "Well I didn't have much to spend, and you said you liked to draw with your grandfather, so I-"

"I love it." I breathed.

Ryder paused and looked at me. "You do?"

I hugged the sketchbook, beaming. I was ecstatic. I had actually gotten something for my birthday under these awful circumstances, and it was just what I wanted.

I jumped up, still excited, grinning. I began flipping through the blank pages in the book, spinning. All of the clear, white sheets of paper, waiting to be filled. 

Ryder stood up with me, and opened his mouth to say something, and I engulfed him in a hug.

"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK-... You..." Ryder stiffened the instant I made contact with him, and when I realized what I was doing, I turned beet red and froze.

I was hugging Ryder. What on EARTH was I thinking!? I tried to move away, but for some reason, my body wasn't listening to me, it just stayed still, frozen in embarrassment.

After what felt like hours, I finally gained controll of myself and jumped away from Ryder, suddenly very interested in a mushroom on the ground.

"G-good job picking a present." I mumbled.

"I'm glad you like it..." Ryder replied, about as quiet as me.

"I think I'll go draw a bird."

"Good, have fun."

Then I snatched up my pencils and bolted away. "Why did I do that, of a the things I could've done, why did I do that!!?" I muttered, still red.

I continued through the woods, hoping I would find a good spot to sit, think, and draw. I had a LOT to think about.

I flopped onto a tree stump, breathing hard. What had happened? I had only just gotten up, and I was excited. Maybe my subconscious mind secretly wasn't disgusted at the thought of coming in contact with Ryder.

Curse my subconscious mind.

//Mini AN// Character switch again, this one is a few minutes back in time from Ryder, Makayla's still there, mid-hug. 

//Mini AN- End//

She was hugging me. I stiffened, staring past her shoulder like a rock, a rock slowly being dyed red.

"U-um... Makayla? Hey, Makayla? Wanna... Maybe... Let go?" I asked, but Makayla didn't hear, she was dead to the world.

When she finally pulled away and gave me her panicked ramble before going away, I let myself fall to the ground, a dirt cloud momentarily swirling around me before fading into the air around me.

My mind went on hyperdrive, trying to comprehend the series of events that had just occured.

Was she drunk? Maybe she was sleep-walking, and I just hadn't noticed it, and she woke up mid-hug! Or maybe I had been dreaming this entire time, maybe I'd wake up and find my sister doing a puzzle on the couch or reading a book, and Makayla would still live somewhere else with her grandfather, and we were both just delusional, but we were still happy!

Or maybe I was overreacting. I hoped I was overreacting, because I couldn't figure out what else to make of the situation. I was being stupid, right? Makayla didn't seem to think so, because she had panicked too.

I sighed, kicked a rock, then after a minute or two of debating with myself, I pulled off a chunk of Makayla's birthday cupcake, after all, I hadn't had breakfast. With that I stuffed it in my mouth, and let the previous events fade from my mind. For now.

//AN// Hah!!! I finished a chapter in two days!!! I'm amazing!!! XD Alright everyone, Merry Christmas, or merry any other holiday you may celebrate! Bye guys!!! Comment!!!!

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