Day Three WILL Be the Last!!

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Hey guys, Mooncheese here! I have changed my bio into an announcement thing so be sure to check it regularly. I put one sentence of bio crap at the end, which was really all anyone needs to know, so... Anyway, ENJOY THE CHAPTER!!!

The next morning, I woke up and knew something- I was not staying here another day. Not for money, not for a house, nothing. I was getting out whether I had to break down the door, break the window, or what. I didn't care.

"Ryder!!! Get off your butt!!! We're getting out today!!!" I yelled.

Ryder had decided to try sleeping in the storage closet again, if I let him keep the door wide open, which I didn't understand because if the door was shut and locked from the inside and out nobody would kidnap him, or even lay a finger on him without waking me and the neighbors up, so...

Ryder walked out of the room, barely upright, and rubbed his eyes. "Wait, what's goinnon?" He yawned.

"We're leaving today!! I am tired of it here. TIRED OF IT!! I haven't slept on a bed for two nights, and I'm fine with that when you're camping or something, but I slept on a smelly, dirty, cold gym floor. In the pitch black. My food is provided to me by a lunch box, it's all warm and squished at this point, and- WE'RE JUST LEAVING NOW." I complained.

Ryder shrugged. "At least you know what to tell your teachers next year when they ask- 'What did you do over summer break?' 'cause I know I do."

He wasn't taking me seriously. This was funny to him. So I had to make him start thinking seriously about how we were going to get out. I thought of how, but wondered if I was really going to bring up that subject. I realized it was my only choice, so I simply brought it up.

"We have to get out and save your sister Ryder, please try and take this seriously. Not for me, but for her." I reminded him.

Ryder suddenly got silent and nodded. Then he sat down, and surveyed the room, muttering to himself.

"Okay, we have a room with two exits, one leading to a school hallway and the other to a soccer field. Assuming our goal is to leave the smallest amount of damage, we leave breaking windows on the door for last resort. Ideas?" Ryder explained.

We couldn't break down the door, we had nothing strong enough to do that. Breaking the windows, like Ryder said, was going to be a last resort.

"I have an idea!!!" I suddenly yelled.

"What!?" Ryder asked in excitement.

"The door is locked, right? Let's pick the lock." I smirked.

"With what?" He asked, excitement turning into confusion.

"Well, the other day my mom decided she would make me wear bobby pins in my hair." I smirked, walking to the door and pulling a bobby pin out of my hair. At which point my face was covered in hair.

"Hey, I'm gonna do it!" Ryder complained, running up to me and shoving me to see if I dropped it.

"No, I am!!" I shoved him back.

"Do you even know how to pick a lock!?"

"...Well, I'll just figure it out!!"

"We don't have time for that, give me the pin!!" Ryder shoved me again, but this time lost his balance and fell.

Right on top of me.

"Uuummm... Yeah, you can have the pin..." Ryder stuttered, his face turning red.

"Please get off..."

"Oh, sorry-"

At that moment, the door to the gym opened, and in came my friend, Emma, followed by the police.

"MAKAYLA!!! I WAS SO WORRIED!!! I WAS AT YOUR HOUSE AND-... Um... I'm, uh, sorry..." Emma slowly turned.

I tried to push Ryder off, but he was frozen. Not to mention bright red.

"Get off idiot." I hissed under my breath. Then I realized I was red too.

Ryder got up, and started talking. "We were fighting, and I pushed her and actcidentally fell... It wasn't... what you might think..."

Out of the ten policemen there, seven were trying not to laugh. The others were.

"Okay kids, pack up. We- We'll get you home..." One policeman said, then he burst out laughing.

Ohh, I wasn't going to hear the end of this...

Poor Ryder. Feel bad for him. Now. Lol hope you liked it, bye!!

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