Ames and Ally

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Hey, Mooncheese here! Well, just like always, I for got to update Sunday. I think I'm gonna get rid of that completly. Yeah, I am. That'll actually get you charpters faster, actually. So don't worry! Kay, oh! Remember to comment too! Please? And now for the chapter.

It's not like I said Ryder needed stitches to scare him to death, it was true. Actually, I had been pretty sure before I even got a good look at the injury. I had patched it up, but...

"Ryder, get up. Come on now." I coaxed.

He didn't move.

Phyllis shrugged. "He'll be up in a minute- when do you two need to leave?" She asked.

"The answer I give you doensn't matter. He gets to choose." I replied simply. "I said I'd help and it's his sister."

"That's not what I think the reason is." Phyllis smiled.

I stared blankly at her.

"Nevermind..." She smirked.

I shrugged and stared at Ryder. He had been pretty freaked out, and if I gave him to the hospital, his parents would have him stuck in bed all summer. This was not a task I was willing to do on my own. Well I'd try, but... I figured I couldn't do this without Ryder, and Phyllis was only for information. 

I tried to shake Ryder awake, but when that didn't work, I poured a nearby cup of warm... Actually I don't know what it was... I hoped it was warm orange juice.

Anyway, when he finally got up, he just stared at me. Then he stood and staggered out of the room to what looked like the kitchen.

He came back and sat calmly. When I asked him what was wrong he took something from his pocket, then stood up, then suddenly grabbed the back of my shirt and dropped something down it. It only took me a second to realize Ryder had found the icecubes. Ryder snickered as I tried to get the freezing object out of my shirt.

"I never want to have that poured on me again. Understood?" He growled, then he laughed at me again.

Of course then he cringed, gripped his wound (which began to bleed again) and he let himself fall onto the couch again. 

"Okay Ryder I'm sorry. Just stay awake, kay?" I asked

Ryder took a deep breath and opened his eyes to look calmly at me.

I sighed and said, "Well I figured that there's no way we can take you to the hospital and get your sister back in the same summer, but you'll die going into this in your state." I explained.

Ryders eyes widened a bit at the last part but he said nothing.

"So... I figured that I'd try and... stitch it or...maybe just bandage it. I DON'T KNOW!!!" I suddenly yelled.

Ryder looked confused. "Why are you so worried?" He asked.

I shrugged, but I looked to the ground and said. "You never told anyone." I whispered. "You carried the guilt all on your own, and never told anyone. To protect them... so they didn't get hurt... and I decided to help. I refuse to let you loose this."  

Ryder smirked, "Well I guess you always did have a sense of pride. I won't die on you I swear, just give me a bandage or something. Now then Phyllis, can we hear your story?" He said. 

.Phyllis had sat down at some point and had been watching us calmly. Happy that she had permission to talk, she began pouring out her story. "Well, I've been living here since I was just 17. We never did have much money, but I get along just fine. There were two kids who used to be many years younger than me. I used to watch them. They were siblings, but they looked sort of different, their parents did- that's why, they were a boy and a girl. They were very attached to their parents they were, and one evening they were murdered, right in front o' their eyes." 

I saw Ryder go stiff. I supposed he had a right to, because I instantly knew who she was talking about, he probably did too. 

"They weren't ever the same them kids." She continued. "Never went an orphanage 'neither. I took em so they didn't need to deal with anyone they didn't know. They were about 9 and 12. The boy was older. I wasn't very old, maybe in my late 20's early 30's. Then they up and left a few years later. I wasn't mean or nothing, gave em' almost everything they wanted, never yelled, tried to be nice." She sighed. "They came back 

7 years ago with a girl.”

Ryder clenched his fists but stayed silent. The girl had been his sister.

“Well they said if I let her go I’d get my throat ripped out, and I know them. I knew they wouldn’t ever hurt her, even if she had been kidnapped, so I kept her. Besides, if I had let her go she would have died on the street. Poor thing was shaken, I just let her sit next to me, told her stories, sang to her, even made her cookies. They dropped her off frequently after that. I always looked to see if she had been treated badly, but she was always fine, for the most part. However, just yesterday she came and as soon as Ames and Ally left she told me that you two were trying to get her back without money, that she would tell you to go to you, and to tell you this. Also, she wanted me to tell you where they are currently staying.” Phyllis stuffed a slip of paper into my hand.

I read it out loud. “477 Pepperidge Drive…  How in the heck do we find that?” I asked bitterly, shoving the paper into my pocket.

Phyllis handed me a state map and smiled. “I know you have a lot to do, and you’re parents will be worried sick, I advise you stay here tonight and sleep. I would have you sleep out here but… Ryder isn’t in good shape for that and the couch is covered in his blood, we can’t have Makayla on the couch. I know it may be odd, but… would you mind if both of you slept in my bed, its large you could stay at least 4 feet away from each other.”

Well when she first said that I practically died. Then I realized that by ‘bed’ she meant a pile of blankets, sheets and pillows on the floor. After situating Ryder, I went to sleep- on the other side of the room…

This was the largest lead we had, and, as far as I was concerned, our top priority. Our parents could wait until we had Amy back.

I typed half of this on word and half on wattpad, sorry if it came out funny. And sorry, to certain people who I promised that Makayla's story would be in this chapter. Seeya!

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