Let Us Begin

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Hi everyone! Happy mother's day I guess... Even though I'm late on that one... Well, the story's about to get a lot more interesting!! Sorry if there are too many mistakes, I got my eyes dilated and I can't check my work very well.... So I think you'll like it! There's some action about to be mixed into the story! Hope you like it!!

"How cute!"


I jolted awake and looked around Phyllis stood in the doorway with an old camera giggling. I wondered what was happening until I remembered what had happened before I went to sleep and I looked around. Ryder was right next to me, so close we were about to touch. In fact Ryder's arm was sprawled out and was laying on my stomach.

I shoved him off, blushing.

"WHY'D YOU DO THAT!?" I yelled.

"Oh, it probably won't effect you. I was going to give them to Amy. Or better yet- I'll give them to you to give to her. Ryder's the one with his arm around you. Amy'll love it, trust me." Phyllis explained.

"Okay!" I volunteered.

"I'll give them to you when you leave today."

I stared at her in shock. "Wait, today?"

She stared back solemnly. "I know from my story about Ames and Ally it would seem they're just stupid kids doing something wrong, but that's not it. They're doing something wrong, but they are by no means stupid. The sooner you get Amy back, the sooner you'll be safe. Their only motive, if you'll believe me, is to play a game. They used to get bored easily, and they would toy with me for fun, hiding things and paying elaborate tricks. I can be sure the money is just part of the game. They aren't evil, they are still children playing a game. I don't think they would hesitate to hurt someone to have more fun with their game. You need to win the game, and I will try and deal with them from there."

I wasn't too pleased that I was only getting this information NOW. I mean this was information we might've wanted when we first came, not after we get up the next morning. I decided Ryder needed to get up, and I said, "Wake up Ryder."

"I'm not getting up..." He grumbled, flopping a pillow over his head. 

"I have serious blackmail against you now get the HECK up." I hissed.

He moaned and sat up, rubbing his eyes and looking around. "What do you want?"He asked.

"Our dear friend Phyllis decided to cut off half of her story yesterday, listen to it." I said with an annoyed look at Phyllis.

Ryder listened to the rest of the story intently and sighed at the end. "I'd appreciate it if they could find someone else to toy with, but the game has started, and we'll win."

"That's the perfect attitude to go into this with, you'll need it." Phyllis said, walking into the kitchen. "You two wait, I'll pack you both a few things to take with you to make sure no one dies." She called from the kitchen.

I let myself drop onto a chair and Ryder stood, glaring at the couch that was now covered in dry blood. Then he sighed and sat down, mumbling something. I caught the words, "Never... stupid lowlife... knife... unfair... Makayla can... Phyllis waited until...Jerk."

I moved my attention away from Ryder, who continued muttering to himself and looked at the walls, which I noticed had pictures on them.

One picture had a much younger Phyllis carrying a little girl with a teddy bear on her shoulders while a boy, slightly older than the girl stood beside her, grinning. Another picture had the boy, covered in mud, in a soccer uniform holding a soccer ball. Another of both kids, the boy around 13 the girl a few years younger, with Phyllis who looked to be older than the last picture, but still younger than now. The boy was standing behind Phyllis with his tongue stuck out, smiling, and the girl was giggling while Phyllis looked confused. The last picture showed the boy who was obviously graduating, and the next picture over was the girl graduating. The other pictures all had similar things in them, until the last picture came. 

Phyllis was in it, smiling, sitting alone on the couch. I noticed something in her that looked like a tear. She had the teddy bear the girl had held in the first picture and the soccer ball the boy had in the second picture. 

I noticed my eyes had begun to form tears, before any of them could fall I quickly wiped my eyes and looked away. 

"That last one is obviously right after they left." Ryder said, but I didn't look at him, afraid there were still tears lingering on my face. "She must've really liked those two." 

I nodded.  

Phyllis came back in with two backpacks, then she saw Ryder looking at the pictures. "Those were from a while ago. I truly liked those children. But you have more important things to worry about than my old memories." She sighed. "You need to leave soon. When you play games with children, they can grow impatient quickly." 

"Wait. Ryder said nervously. "Won't they get mad at us for not giving them the money and hurt Amy?" 

"They probably wanted you to do this. The money was to push you into it." Phyllis explained. 

"THEN WE'RE PLAYING INTO THEIR HANDS!!" Ryder cried in frustration, banging his fist on the arm of the couch, 

"It doesn't matter whether they know what we're doing or not. If you're really Amy's brother, you can win." Phyllis said.

"And if we don't?" I prompted. 

"That's simple. They capture you and you're put in a position like Amy. Or they kill you." Phyllis replied. "Now get here, I packed you plenty, but start walking." Phyllis grabbed both of us by our arms and led us to the door, then shoved a slip of paper into our hands. "Good luck!" 

We began walking and I read the address. "Lockport New York, 3523 Nare Street."

I went pale and sat down- on the bench next to us where we were, in Adamsville Tennessee.

This took forever to write for several reasons. Mostly cuz I had issues figuring out where they sdhould live... sorry If I said they lived somewhere else, but follow what I said in this chapter. Bye!!! 

Trapped with HIMOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora