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I busied myself with hanging up jump ropes and hula-hoops. For the second time that afternoon, something hit me in the back of the head. I wasn't completly innocent either, I had thrown things at Ryder too, he just happened to throw harder.

"Okay, I'm gonna lock up! Just get out the back door!" Mrs. Joyler called from outside the supply closet. "Goodbye!"

We didn't reply to her, we were to busy ignoring each other. I heard the door shut and a click. I turned to throw something back at Ryder, but I noticed he had suddenly froze.

"Aww, what's wrong? Did you see a spider?" I teased him, before throwing the ball he had thrown at me back at him, hitting his head.

Ryder didn't move a muscle.

"What? Did you die?" I said, slightly concerned at this point but not letting Ryder know it.

I was shocked that he hadn't knocked me upside the head yet, or at least retorted. Nothing.

"Helloooo?" I called, walking over to him.

"It's locked." Ryder said slowly.

"Yes stupid, it's locked." I repeated, mocking his speed.

"The backdoor is jammed. I forgot until just now, and I was going to tell Mrs. Joyler later." Ryder said in horror.

My blood ran clold. We were stuck here? Our principal never got around to having a surveilence camera installed into the gym for some reason, so that wouldn't help.

"Stupid. Well, someone will probably look for us, your parents, mine are on vacation with- ... your parents..." I said, scaring myself even more.

"Great. Just great. Stuck here with you until someone notices we're gone. I'm going to go die now." Ryder said hysterically, walking out of the storage closet.

I followed him to see what he would do. He banged on the door that led into the school hallway a minute and tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge. I walked to the backdoor, which led into the soccer feilds behind the school. I tried the door knob, but it didn't work. I kicked the door and tried again, but the door wouldn't open.

So that was it, I was stuck until someone came. Stuck. Contained. Trapped. Trapped with HIM.

I looked across the room at Ryder, who was hopelessly banging on the door, but his efforts were in vain. I glared at him.

"This is your fault. How could you not tell her the door was jammed?!" I yelled.

"What!? You were right next to me, did you not hear me say, 'Dang it, the door IS JAMMED'!?" Ryder yelled back.

"No, don't try blaming this on me! You're the one who started throwing stuff at me in the classroom in the first place! WE WOULDN'T EVEN BE HERE IF IT WEREN'T FOR YOU!!" I growled, stomping my foot.


I took a deep breath. Then I took another one, for good luck. "Okay, okay, let's put a hold on the argument and try to get out." I said, trying to calm down.

Ryder smirked. "Aww, are you scared?" He whispered, barely loud enough for me to hear.

"SHUT UP!!" I hissed, turning my back to him.

"Okay, fine. We can put ripping off each other's heads on hold. For now. Now how do we get out?" Ryder offered.

I looked around the room.

"Air Vent?" I suggested.

"We might've fit in there when we were five." He replied.

"Can we break down the door?" I asked.

"With what?" He asked.

"Okay, nevermind. Can we call 911?" I asked hopefully.

"Cellphones don't work from here." Ryder sighed.

I thought a minute. "Then I guess we're stuck." I shrugged, hoping Ryder would smirk and then randomly come up with something.

He didn't. Instead his eyes got wide and he coughed.

"Um, you reeeaaally sure?" He checked.


"Well, then... uh... um... what do we do?" He asked.

"Sit, maybe continue arguing." I replied.

"I'm going to sleep." Ryder concluded, and plopped onto the floor.

"How the heck do you fall asleep when you're trapped in a steaming hot gym!?" I said hystarically.

"Same way I fall asleep any other time." He replied, laying down and closing his eyes.

"Hah hah, very funny." I snorted.

I walked up to Ryder and kicked him in the stomach, making him cough, and get up to whack me.

"Stupid, you can't sleep somewhere like hot this, you'll die and everyone's gonna blame me. You'll just fall asleep and never wake up." I sighed and sat down.

"Fine then, you entertain me." Ryder replied, sitting in front of me.

"Heck no. You can go be quiet in a corner somewhere." I growled, scooting away from him.

"No thanks." He smirked, scooting towards me, until we were only three inches apart.

"Shut up." I hissed, standing up and walking away.

"Make me." He replied, following me.

"You don't want me to make you, you would cry yourself to sleep at night." I smirked, leaning against a wall.

Ryder glared, but said nothing.

I watched him, and was thouroughly bored. All he did was pace around, then sit for a while, and continue pacing. It was boring, and the next thing I knew I was falling asleep on the floor. Then I felt a shoe in my stomach.

"Don't fall asleep or you'll never wake up and I'll be blamed." Ryder said, mocking me.

"You suck." I yawned. "Just go away."

Then I got an idea. I made a line on the ground with jump ropes from the storage room that went across the floor. Ryder just stared at me like I was nuts, and I probably was at this point.

I pointed at the side of the line Ryder was on."Your side," then I pointed behind me. "my side."

Then I sat down smiling to myself about my idea.

Ryder nodded, smirking."Doesn't bother me." he sighed. "But it might just bother you."

Trapped with HIMWhere stories live. Discover now