Funeral Planning

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Mooncheese here! Just wanted to make sure you knew that it's Makayla's point of view again. Wasn't sure if you'd know I switched back or not, so I decided to tell you. By the way, I would've updated sooner, but I'm in a musical and this was tech week... Anyway, hope you like the chapter!!

I never knew that Ryder had such a horrible experience, ever. He didn't even hint at it. It's not like he was always cheerful, he just wasn't depressed. At least it didn't look like it.

I had decided to show him that I felt bad, so I told him, but when I did, he looked... Scared. So I decided not to dwell on it. Yet. Ryder was approaching his first year of high school, and starting off the summer before it locked in a gym.

Now getting out wasn't just for me, or just for Ryder. It was for Ryder's sister.

"I'm so hungry!" Ryder suddenly said, no doubt trying to change the subject.

"You can't eat yet, you ate to much last night. We don't know how long we'll be here, so we're gonna eat only a small lunch and maybe a dinner." I said, snatching away Ryder's lunch box.

"You're gonna kill me like that! I don't think I can last much longer! I'm gonna die! I really am!" Ryder moaned dramatically.

"That's nice." I said dismissively.

"I'm not inviting you to my funeral..." Ryder muttered.

"Invite? You would be dead, genius." I smirked.

"Well, I could... Write out what I want at my funeral. The guest list and all." Ryder decided.

He began rummaging through his book bag, and he pulled out paper and a pen. He titled the page, "My Funeral" and began making bullet points along the edge of the page.

I sighed with fake drama. "In your state of hunger, you don't really know what you want. Allow me to write your list." I tore the list and pen out or Ryder's hands and began to write.






I tried to think what to put next to the last bullet point that would irritate Ryder, but I couldn't think of anything so I turned over the paper and titled that side "Guest List". I split that side in half, one labled "Invite" and the other "Not Invite". Then I started filling in the "Invite" side.

-Abbie and Aaron Soren (Makayla Sorens parents)

-Sara and Brandon Souker (Ryder Souker's parents)


I thought a minute about what to fill in next, then smiled and wrote in,

-Anyone else not on the "Not Invited" lis

I smiled in mock pride at my work, and proceeded to fill in the "Not Invited" side of the list.

-The guy from "Sally's Grill" who spits in your food constantly


This side was considerably harder. I noticed that Ryder had almost completly given up to his interest in what I was writing, but he still grabbed at the paper every now and then. Finally, I smiled and filled in the last bullet.

-Ryder Souker

Wow. I was delusional. Did I really think that was funny? Yep, the heat was getting to me. I was gonna die.

"Okay, I'm done for now." I smiled.

"I'm not invited to my own funeral." Ryder said sarcastically.

"Well nobody was gonna come if you were there." I said with mock seriousness.

Ryder glared at me, then walked towards the storage room. He stopped at the doorway and glared back at me. "You sure as heck better not close this door. Not for anything." then he walked in.

I was tempted to slam the door just to annoy him, but (for obvious reasons) I kept it open.

He came out finally, armed with a basketball.

My eyes widened. Sure, there were basketball hoops on both ends of the gym, but he was on the basketball team. I only knew because my parents dragged me to his games all the time. I was... extremely uncoordinated.

"Why?" I asked, fully ready to come up with as many excuses as I needed to come up with for him to decide against playing.

"...That doesn't matter..." Ryder muttered.

"Sure it does! I mean, I'll be falling everywhere! I'm terrible at it." I pointed out.

"I know." Ryder's head fell a bit, and he started to shake slightly. "So was she..."

I figured by 'she' he meant his sister. I also figured it would haunt me if I didn't play this game with him and take his mind off of his sister. Besides, we didn't have anything better to do.

"Oh, fine." I resigned.

He looked up quickly, and even though it was fast, I thought I saw him wipe his eyes on his sleeve. I might've imagined it, though. "Okay, get ready to lose!"

"You mean play?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"No, I mean lose."

"Hmm, nope, not ready to lose yet." I smiled, grabbing the ball away from him and dribbling it to the middle of the room. Then I accidentally hit the ball into my foot and it rolled away.

Ryder picked up the ball and smirked. "Nope, I'm not up against anything good." He threw the ball across the room and it went into the basket.

This was going to be a short game.

I said I was gonna write author notes before and after each chapter, but this is my first after. So anyway, Mooncheese here! Hope you loved the chapter! Or maybe just liked it. remember to comment!! Oh, and one more thing, I've been thinking about this awhile, but I only got to it now. Anyway, I have a request to my readers! (even if there aren't to many of you) I want you to think of a song for as many characters as you can from my books. An example might be Carly- (from iCarly)Did You forget by Demi Lavato (Not that I watch that, this is just an example, and that song doesnt even fit her) but with the characters from my books. I'm just interested to see if what you say. Please try it with at least one character. I won't judge you, I'm just curious about what you guys have to say! Seeya!

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