They Were Here

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Hey, Mooncheese here. I hope you all liked the last chapter, I know I did... This chapter is kinda boring, its sort of a transition chapter. I'll put what I can in it to make it better. Next chapter is gonna get interesting... For now just put up with this chapter, it has a lot of important stuff in it that I stuffed into one chapter. It get's kinda creepy too, I guess that parts interesting. I hope you all look at my new story too, "The Prince Who Didn't Care". It's more in the fairy tale area, and I'm gonna add some humor. It's a mixture of some different fairy tales topped off with my own ideas. That's it, hope you enjoy the chapter!

Have you ever driven to your house in the back of a police car in the middle of a boy death staring the police driving the car and a girl trying not to break into a fit of laughter, and you're to embarrassed to say anything, but you realise that's making it worse. So you just say-

"It's raining really hard, I can't wait to drink a nice cup of hot chocolate." 

Ryder turned his gaze to me, and it didn't change from a death stare. Then Emma lost the battle she was fighting and started cracking up. I slapped her upside the head. 

"Kids, calm down." A policeman said who was sitting in the passenger seat. Then he started laughing. Ryder kicked his seat, and leaned back with a satisfied expression. 

"Emma, how'd you even figure out where I was? And that I was gone?" I asked. 

"Well, After school the last day of school I called your home phone and your cell.Then I did two hours later, and you still didn't pick up. I brushed it off as you having to do something with your family, and brushed it off. Well yesterday morning I called again, and when you didn't answer I walked to your house. The back door was unlocked, and your mom does that when she leaves, you don't. You couldn't have been gone with your family, I realised, because your parents were on vacation with Ryder's. I went home to think about in, then this morning I called the police and we found you." Emma explained. 

By the time we got to my house, everything had settled down. Accept the storm. In fact it was worse. There was lightning, thunder, wind, rain, and hail. 

I ran to the door and was escorted to the door by a policeman. I turned around. "Are my parents home?" I asked. 

"No. Will you be okay alone?" The policeman next to me said, slightly confused.

"No thank you." I replied, then turned to wave to Emma. 

Then I noticed that not only was Emma waving, Ryder was waving too. He didn't look happy about it, but he was. I smiled, turned around and walked into my house. 

Then I remembered telling Ryder I would help him, but how would I do that? I had no criminal records from the police, I was broke, there were only two of us, and for all we knew the kidnappers had moved to another continent to wait until they came to get the money. The money they most likely knew Ryder wouldn't get. 

I figured the computer would be the best place to start. I went to Google and typed, "Kidnappings over the last 10 years" and hit enter. The screen went black. Then red letters popped up on the screen that read, "Makayla, we know what you're doing. How could you think we don't keep tabs on Ryder? You will be sorry you joined our game. We don't like being interrupted." I jumped away from the computer and switched it off. 

"It's okay Makayla, it's okay, it's all okay. They can't be here right now. You won't die. Let's calm down and get something to eat. Pudding sounds nice. Let's get some pudding. Vanilla. Yes, that sounds good." I muttered to myself. After I got myself something to eat, I began to think. 

"How could they have messed with my computer, and had they been watching us in the gym? Who was they in the first place? And more importantly, why am I talking to myself?" I questioned hysterically. 

I finished my pudding and dropped the bowl in the sink. When I turned around and began to walk to my room to go to bed, I slipped on something and fell. I sat up and saw that I had slipped on paper. I picked it up and read- "Makayla, this message is from Amy. Yes, the people who kidnapped me were here, and this was the third day you were trapped. If you don't already know, your computer is blocked and you cannot find anything that may be of use to you. I have included the name of a person who can help you. Good luck. Please show this to my brother so he knows I'm alive."

I wasn't sure whether to be scared to death over the fact they knew where I lived and had been in my house or overjoyed that I had somewhere to start and that Amy was alive. I looked to the bottom of the note and read a name, "Phyllis Gael". 

I realized I didn't want to be alone in this house. It just wasn't safe, it didn't matter whether I was scared or not. I couldn't be alone when kidnappers knew where I was. I almost went to Emma's and realized she wouldn't understand. Besides, she was most likely already asleep and she did NOT like being woken up, what could I tell her? "Oh, hi Emma! I just found out that there are kidnappers that know where I live, can I sleep at your house tonight?" Not to mention her parents liked sleepovers arranged before they happen. My other friends were all on vacation, and I did need to show Ryder the letter...

Next thing I knew, I was standing outside Ryder's house with a blanket. I rang the doorbell. Nothing. I rang it again, and again, getting more and more desperate, until I yelled, "RYDER OPEN THE STUPID DOOR!!!" Ignoring the people who came out of their houses to stare at me, but of course it was 8:00pm... 

I heard footsteps and then Ryder opened the door. "What the heck are you doing up?" He yawned. 

"Shut up and let me in, we can't talk here." I hissed. 

Ryder looked surprised, but he opened the door anyway. When I got inside, I explained to him everything that had happened since I walked in my front door. When I finished, Ryder was frozen. 

"They've been watching us!?" He coughed in shock. I nodded. He opened his mouth to yell something else, then lowered his head and whispered- "Could I see it? The note from Amy." 

I pulled it from my pocket and handed it to Ryder. He ran his finger along each curve and line the letters made, muttering each word. "My sister really wrote this. I know it." He muttered. Then he looked at the bottom of the letter and frowned. "Wait, how do we get to her?" He asked. 

"A directory stupid. But right now... could I sleep at your house? I'll sleep on your couch or something- I don't think it's safe at my house all alone." I begged. 

Ryder sighed. "Fine. Take the couch or something. I'm going back to bed- do you mind if I keep the note?" He asked. 

I shook my head and he proceeded to walk away. 

Yes, It isn't very long, or high quality, but its a transition chapter. Get over it. Like I said, it will get better. I really hope you atleast kind of liked the chapter. It doesn't even compare to last chapter, at least in my opinion. Kay, seeya!

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