To My Followers

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I began this story when I was much younger, dear followers. Things have changed since then, and I didn't had a very good plan when I started. I also think that the opening of this story is irreparably poor in quality and I have no drive to finish. However I have started a blog this month, at and I have written a couple poems there. I plan on writing new stories there of considerably better quality than I have here, and I hope that if you liked Trapped with Him you will love the things I put there. I hope anyone that gets this will take a glance at the blog, tell all of their friends, tell their grand parents and their grandparents' friends, the works. Thank you for being loyal to Trapped with Him, but a new era of writing for me has come. An era I hope you will join me in. I thank you for our time together, but now I am not Mooncheese. In this new era, you may call me Ghost.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2015 ⏰

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