It Was A Dark And Stormy Night

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//AN// I promised another chapter would be posted yesterday- BUT WATTPAD BROKE DOWN. It said, "Wattpad is recovering from a bad hangover..." and it made me feel bad. It was only at like midnight that wattpad came back. Sorry for the delay anyway, oh, and- "HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY SELF!!" Yesterday was my B-Day!!!!! Oh, that doesn't matter I'll just write.

I watched the rain fall around us as we sat and finished eating. I kept hoping the storm would get better, but it just kept getting worse. We were no longer benefitting from the dumpster much, there was rain being blown at us by the wind.

"What I wouldn't give to be in a house. I suppose I wouldn't even mind being out here so much if I had a warm blanket." I sighed, shivering.

Ryder glanced at me and without a word pulled off his sweatshirt and handed it to me.

I took it and almost thanked him, then realized he was now wearing a T-shirt and jeans that were slowly getting wet.

"ARE YOU NUTS? It's freezing and now you only have a T-shirt!! I can't take it from you!!" I said frantically, trying to pull his sweat shirt over his head.

He grinned and sighed dramatically. "Kayla dear, I know you worry about me, but you'll have to be strong and trust me, okay?" He grabbed the sweatshirt out of my hands and pulled it over my head.

I elbowed him lightly, then muttered a 'Thank You' and stuck my arms through the sleeves. At this Ryder nodded and gazed out at the street as lighting lit it up.

It was hard to tell what time of day it was, but I guessed we were approaching night. I couldn't sleep at all, because I kept watching Ryder shivering. I felt horrible in his sweatshirt, I was so warm.

Eventually Ryder fell asleep on the ground, his soaked hair flopped over his face, arms hugging his cold shaking body. I gave in and pulled of the sweatshirt. I didn't want to wake him, so I just layed it over him like a blanket. I leaned back, aware that I was loosing heat fast.

I layed down but I couldn't fall asleep. After I thought for a moment, I moved closer to Ryder until we were just barely touching. I begen to blush but I was still freezing, and now that I felt Ryder, he was warm.

I inched closer until I was much warmer and I drifted off to sleep.

(Mini //AN//)


(Mini //AN// -End-)

I got slowly woke up and realized two things without opening my eyes.

1. It was morning, and a hot morning at that.

2. There was something on top of my and something next to me that were starting to make me heat up a bit too much, but I kind of liked them there, for some reason.

I opened my eyes and realized three more things.

1. I was right, it was morning, and the storm had passed.

2. The thing on top of me was my sweatshirt- stupid Makayla, she probably caught hypothermia or something.

3. Makayla was the thing next to me, and she was close. Too close. WAAAAY too close, and she had her arm over my chest too.

My eyes widend and I pushed her away, staring. She twitched as her injury came in contact with the ground, and I felt slightly guilty, but I was too surprised to care.

"She probably did that while she was asleep, not on purpose, calm down." I told myself, leaning against the trash bin.

Makayla finally woke up after awhile of me staring at her, and she saw my expression. Her eyes widened and she blushed slightly. "I was, uh, cold." She said quietly.

So she HAD done it while she was awake. I supposed I would ignore it, it had been freezing and storming last night, and now I wouldn't have to deal with her getting a cold.

I nodded and she sighed in relief, and the blush began to drain from her face. I decided I had to get her back, though, so I said. "If that's all then why we're you smiling and mumbling my name? What were you dreaming about, Kayla?"

I was lying, I expected a smack in the face, a kick, something like that, but instead Makayla looked horrified and she blushed dark red and mumbled. "None of your buisness..."

What the heck was going on!?

//AN// I know I didnt follow through with my promise, but I only updated a day late. I'm so sorry!!! I hope you liked the chapter, I did. It was all Makayder, beginning to end, it was a present to myself. Bye!!

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