Chapter 26-30

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Chapter 26:

I was going to class in the evening. After get off work, Su Yu went to the warehouse specially to buy some inferior materials.

The so-called policy has countermeasures. Because these materials are flawed, they usually enter the supply and marketing cooperative at the end, and many operations can be performed before that.

If internal employees have something to do with it, they can get some materials out of it, and then pay compensation for damages to the warehouse. In this way, the ticket is saved.

But this kind of thing is for the courageous to starve to death. The honest people like the old Su family are generally starving.

When Su Yu knew these things, she almost vomited blood. This is simply guarding Baoshan without knowing it. If this kind of thing is well controlled, how big a profit can be.

Su Dazhi is in charge of the warehouse. Knowing that his sister bought these materials, he said, "Sister, do you want to make clothes?"

"Sister has this blessing?" Su Yu gave him a white look and whispered, "You think it's easy to spend money on coal stoves, and sister needs to maintain all aspects of the relationship. People didn't ask me for it, so I can't do nothing. Give it to others, this is called just taking it or not, it will not last long."

Su Dazhi suddenly realized that the coal stove originally from home still has so many different ways. Just said, that thing is not easy to buy.

"See if there is any better material. Get it quickly. I'm going to class. Do you think I'm broken for this family every day? I really owe you all my life!"

Su Dazhi quickly helped pick the materials. He is also an insider in the warehouse anyhow. I used to be courageous and didn't have any other thoughts. Now I heard Su Yu's order, I can only brave my courage to get the material.

"You have the talent. You have been working for so many years, and you haven't learned how to be smart. I will keep all the good materials in the future."

"Sister, isn't it bad?"

"What's wrong, what's the matter when we pay for things? The sales clerk in the supply and marketing agency outside the house knows to keep good things for relatives, so you can't play a role just by occupying the throne."

Su Dazhi: "..."

After packing the materials, Su Yu put it in the bag. Then he said, "If you didn't bring any money today, you sign the account and deduct it from your salary back. It's the same anyway, it saves money inconvenience."


She patted her schoolbag, "Hey, I haven't worn such a good material in my life. It's all for you! I'm also a trade union officer anyhow, and I can't even wear a good dress. You said others would Won't laugh at me?"

"Sister, do you want to get some?"

"What's the matter, save a little, I will also say, this is all used on the blade. These interpersonal relationships are the precious wealth of our old Su family! If you can't turn your mind, I really don't want to **** These hearts." She has to wear good materials if she wants to wear clothes, so why wear defective products? !

Su Dazhi was said to be unable to raise his head. He is quite useless. Unlike my sister, who is good at everything, there are still so many friends.

Everything can be done.

Su Yu had something to tell Su Xiaozhi, so Su Xiaozhi asked Su Xiaozhi to send her to school.

Seeing Su Dazhi leaving, Su Xiaozhile's teeth were missing, "Sister, what are we eating today?"

Su Yu's Promotion Record in the '60'sWhere stories live. Discover now